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Ri'asia POV

"Hey Dad." I hugged him and walked into his new condo. " this place is so nice. You are a bachelor now..." I smiled and he laughed.


" how has mom been taking everything?"

" she move the nigga in there, she about to have to go." I shook my head. " you ain't about to live in my house and fuck another nigga and I still gotta pay all your bills, fuck no."

"Yeah maybe you can rent out the house or something. You guys need to officially go your own way. It's no reason for you guys to be in contact. Dana knows how to call and ask for something if she needs it. She is old enough. I think she would like it better that way anyway." He nodded.

"Yeah, she is going for spousal support. Child support because I signed Dana's birth certificate. She wants half of everything. I make unmarked money. She's not getting shit and if she gets a random Emma fuck your mom dying. It is what it is. I'm sick of her fucking with me and just being horrible to me. It gets tiring because I offered her three mill what you want to go take everything I'm where I got it now you're not getting shit." I nodded. " then she talking about I turned you against her when she did it on her own. If she was an actual mother shit would've worked out better.l

" she is probably just upset right now that things are going her way unlike usual. She is a spoiled brat."  I shook my head. " yeah don't give her nothing. That's how I feel about it, she don't deserve nothing. She got her own job she can pay her own bills she better go out there and get a regular house. She was willing to throw all of that luxurious living out when she cheated on you. She made those choices again and again it wasn't a mistake."

"Yeah but I have to be honest I find a friend."

"A friend?"

"Yeah, I met her at the grocery store. I was dropping something Andrew and she asked me to grab something of the top shelf and boom." He shrugged.

"Oh my gosh! Do you like her?" He nodded. "Like, like like her?"

"Yeah." He sounded unsure. "I don't know, I haven't done this shit in a long time. I just don't wanna choose one person and I'm not ready."

" as long as you don't run over people and hurt people you deserve to live your life I wanna live your life. Just be honest and have fun. You have been locked down since forever now."

" I know and I feel like... I really like this girl but I'm just not ready for a relationship. I have to get my young years back."

" you have to let that go dad. Your younger years were you young years and you chose to live them the way that you did. You're at the age where you are finding love and having fun but as far as getting younger years back you can't really do it and I don't want you trying so hard to be something that you're not because that was changes. Plus if you start dating somebody my age i am going to have to cut you off."

"No... ew no. I would never date someone my daughters age what type of fucking pervert ass shit." We laughed. " my age group is fine, they are usually very mature and bright."

"Yeah, just remember to take your time is no rush. Don't overwhelm yourself trying to keep up with a lifestyle or have a lot of women. Just do what you are comfortable with and set some boundaries and demand respect. Protect your peace at all costs." He nodded.

" anyways... enough about myself what brings you buy?"

" Nothing just checking on you. Hi I so needed some advice because I have been having baby fever." I lied just to fuck with him.

"Why are you tell me this?" He turned up his lip.

"Daddy listen! I want a baby."

" every female wants a baby when they see a picture of a cute baby. It doesn't mean that they need a fucking baby it just fucks with your hormones or some shit. When it comes to shit like that all of you are the same." He laughed. "Did you talk to Zhafir?"


"Okay make sure you make a levelheaded decision. Knowing you you probably just seen a video of a kid being dressed up or a baby staring in the camera with a smile and now you wanna fucking baby. Babies are way more than just cute pictures and pretty smiles."

"When I stare at Zhafir, he is so beautiful and-"

My dad has made it clear for me and Jayda and Dana that he doesn't want us showing any type of physical affection unless we are married. That's why I make it a duty of mine to show respect in that aspect. So when he's around I don't really be all over Zhafir. He doesn't ask for much so the little things he asks for they need to be done because it's something that he really wants.

"Come on with all that lovey dovey shit." I laughed. "You pushing it now, Please do not remind me that you are growing up."

"I am okay dad, I don't want a baby." He sent me a yeah right look. "I am serious we have to at least be engaged and I have to be done with my first four years or school." He nodded.


" oh I want to switch my major. That's what I came over here to ask you. We had ended up being hands on and I had to give someone a needle and I almost passed out in class. I don't think I can do that for a living." He laughed.

" I told you that before you even did it. You couldn't even handle the site of blood when it came to your time of the month. Blood is not your thing you have some type of hemphobia. what else were you thinking?"

"Maybe journalism, An educator for the lower class may be like third or fourth grader. I also wanna do like maybe an art class or something, I am not sure right now but me and Zha were talking about it." He nodded. "Zhafir doesn't want me working."

"We'll do you wanna work?"

" I don't know I just feel like I could use the experience."

"Well get a damn job... Who the fuck is he?" He frowned up his face making me laugh. " if you want a job get a job, knowing him he is down for whatever you wanna do he was probably just stating his opinion."

I nodded.

"He said he want to provide."

" OK cool... He can provide you a ride to work on the days you don't want to drive." I laughed. "He can still give you whatever he's going to give you while you work. It doesn't change anything." I nodded.


"Hey guys." I walked in the living room and everybody was sitting there looking sad. "What happened?" I looked around and Zhafir wasn't here.

"Zhafir's grandma."


"Our grandma died, Zhafir ran out." Jayda cried and I gasp and my heart fell to my ass for Zhafir. "Zhafir went to the hospital, I just can't believe that I let my nerves get in the way of me building a relationship with her." I comforted her.

I couldn't help but worry about Zhafir.

I went in the room and call him and he picked up.


"Hey baby, you alright?"

"Yeah I am fine, I am down here at the hospital. Amerie said They finally got my grandma to wake up. She died for like 15 fucking minutes like does that make sense. Amerie calling me acting crazy. She didn't even fucking die. I don't even know what the fuck is really going on. These bitches doing to much." He snapped. "What?"

"It was just a prank." I heard her voice.

"Huh?" He asked again. "Are you fucking crazy? That shit was not funny. I am done with this shit. Y'all have ruined my whole day. What type of sick ass fucking people are you?"

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