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Ri'asia POV

I walked into my dorm room and Carmen and Some girl was sitting on the couch.

"How you doing?" I smiled at the girl.

"I am fine and yourself?"

"Good." I walked into my room.

Today we got physical and we had to practice doing needles and shit like that. The site of blood had me feeling sick. Maybe the medical field is not for me. The visual learning was easy for me but the physical I feel like is more harder on me because I don't like the smell of certain things I have texture issues employed makes me want to fucking pass out.

"Hey baby." I answered the face time call.

"You coming over?"

"What time you want me to come? I was just about to get in the shower and stuff."

After the fight we had made an agreement to not have guys at our dorm because Carmen called the head on us. She called so much drama and then play victim when she called the suiter. She is fucking Ridiculous and now neither Jayda or me are talking to her and we are barely here. Byron ended up apologizing to both me and Zha. Once you got the full story he instantly apologized.

" i'm OT right now but I should be back in a few hours. I miss you."

" I bet you do you've were in ATL for like five days just to come home and be OT all the time. You know just because you are practicing celibacy right now doesn't mean that you can't be around me." He laughed.

" I can't be around temptation babe. I am coming home today. I just threw myself into work but it ends today." I rolled my eyes.

"We been having sex everyday and we needed this break. My mind wasn't in the right places. I couldn't take a step without thinking about the taste of your pussy or how it feel on my dick." I stuck my tongue out and he laughed. "That is sick baby."

"Oh I wasn't stressed because one my period just went off today and I am still on the look out. I just wanna be in your arms. "

"What does on the lookout mean?"

"So my period-

" menstrual." He corrected me..

" my menstrual is 3 days most of the time so I am cautious about spotting. But I been watched for like 2 days and it's clean but I don't know." I shrugged. " i'm starting to feel like my regular self again. I ain't checking." He laughed.

"I miss you man."

"I am ready to be me pounded and mounted."

"Wow mounted is wild beloved."

"Pussy freshly rejuvenated. I should get a wax today. Yeah that sounds right. Should let my hair grow into a big fro." He laughed loudly.

"What Rick Ross say ima eat it ah..." he yelled and I laughed.

I text Angelina to see if she could squeeze me in.

"Don't play em don't be dishonest." I sung and started gathering my stuff to get in the shower.

"Still not understanding his logic." He sung in a high peeched voice.

"Pookie no." We laughed. "I am going to leave you here I am getting in the shower."



I am addicted to this girl. I needed a little space and all I did was thank about her the whole time. My mind isn't right.

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