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Asia POV

"Mhm..." I nodded as he spoke.

"Or I can just stay in the crib with you." I shrugged.

"Whatever you wanna do. I know you have fun with your friends." He shrugged.

"We can just chill today, that outside shit gets old." I looked at him and he was on his phone.

I couldn't help but thank he was texting some bitch. I don't know why he would do this. I understand that I was a lot to handle but you out there entertaining these bitches.

"What?" He snapped me out my thoughts. "What happened?"

"I am- nothing." He held out his phone. "What?"

"I was texting Antonio, here." He held it out. "I did this to myself so just look. I am not talking to no bitches, I don't even like these bitches." I rolled my eyes.

"You like Sierra." He sighed.

"Asia look I apologize, I apologize a million times. You are right I should've never even entertained her. I talked to her first and that is how this all started. I was bored and I was doing shit."

"But why her?" I asked.

"Because I knew her, I didn't have to learn her. I knew that she is great to talk to. That's all I wanted, she actually asked about my day and how I was feeling and she actually cares."

"I care too... I am your girlfriend. I would have rather you had talked to a stranger. Something has you attached to her in some way. You keep going back." I stayed calm even though I wanted to scream.

"I didn't do anything with her. I promise baby, I would never do that to you."

"But I know you, the smiling and laughing and the feeding you and shit. Just that fact that you talk to her everyday for atleast two hours. I was in the other room baby. Come on."

"Baby that was twice and when you saw it and asked me I told you the truth. It was about Antonio. I promise, just platonic conversations. When we were on the phone all that flirting shit wasn't happening. I swear, that shit only happened when we saw eachother outside and it was one sided, I did enjoy the feeling. I did, I am not going to lie. I would be a liar if I said wasn't attracted to her and I did look but I never touch her and she never touch me in that way." I sighed.

"Do you understand why I am upset?"

"Yes, what I did was outta line. You have plenty of things to be upset about and I apologize for even making you feel this way and I apologize for my actions. It will never happen again."

"How am I supposed to believe that? What if you get bored again? You are going to run to her everytime." He shook his head and he got up and walked to me and he grabbed my face.

"No. I promise. I would never do that again with anyone. Not her, not anyone."  I sighed. "I always blame you for not communicating but then I pull this bullshit. I should've just communicated my feelings, my worries and shit instead of running to her. I apologize."

"What made you choose her? Do you think she looks better than me?"

"No, I never look at it that why. It started with us talking about the situation with me and Tonio. After that was fixed we just spoke when we saw eachother, just on some flirty friendly shit. Nothing sexual, nothing."

"Is she funner than me?"

"She at the time it seemed like she was but that doesn't give me and excuse to do what I did. We fell into a station of static. We would in two different places mentally. I just wanted to get out of my head about all the shit I was going through, that is why I even started to go out. I wanted to break myself from my own trap. I felt like I isolated my own self from the world. I just need to get out, it wasn't about females or anything. I ain't touch no bitch, I swear." I nodded. "I am so sorry." 

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