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Ri'asia POV

"You acting all Hollywood and shit."

" why the fuck are you in my face? You didn't fuck with me last school year, so what's the difference now?" I looked at him.

I decided to just going to class today, because Zhafir had some business to take care of. Jayda was online today and of course Ant had business to handle alongside Zhafir.

" we just need to see you around lately. You look good, gyou mad that a nigga said that you look good. You was mad when I thought your ass was ugly too. It's a lose lose with bitches like you."

"Bitches?" I turned back to him. " you are a fucking weirdo. Why are you bothering me? Do you not have something better to do? What the fuck is your obsession every time you see me you have to do weird shit or say weird shit. If you wanna suck my pussy dry, just say that."

"I wanna suck you pussy dry, we been knew this. I'll have that pussy dripping baby."

" I am fine my nigga do it every day and night." I turned back around, I could here him talking and saying slick shit.

This is the type of shit that I make me transfer to full-time online. I forgot what it felt like to deal with these people.

I felt someone tug my hair.

"What the fuck? chill the fuck out. Now you're in my personal space and you are touching me. It is making me uncomfortable. I will get my nigga Fuck you up."

" Call that nigga bitch ain't nobody scared of him." The class laughed.

" you still act like you're in high school, this is what your last year of fucking college if you didn't fail last year. Get your shit together, and my nigga will be down here to beat you the fuck up."

" It's whatever." He shrugged. " if I beat your nigga, can you suck my dick?"

"Excuse me? Mr. Crenshaw that is no way to speak to someon, especially a young lady." I grabbed my stuff and stepped into the hallway.

I called Zhafir.

"Hey baby."

"Baby I am so fucking pissed off right now." I started crying because I was angry.

"Excuse me..." I held shuffling. "What is wrong baby." 

"It is one of Trey friend and he is just doing the fucking most. Calling me all types of bitches and shit. He has been bothering me all morning. I just wanted to have a good day today, I don't feel like beating his ass. I really do not feel like this shit today. This is the same shit that he did when I was with Trey. I don't even know his fucking name, I don't know anything about him, but he has always hated me. It just keeps escalating he talking about if he whip your ass can I suck his dick. Like boy... I never even did shit to him for him to hate me so much." 

"Listen go back and class and ignore them, you were so excited about going to school today. Don't let him fuck up your day."

"I know baby." I wiped my face.

"For safety what room you in."

"Mr. Blegen in the communication hall. 617."

"Okay let me finish and I'll meet you at the house." I nodded as if he could see me.


He seemed pretty calm, so maybe I was overthinking and overreacting.

10 minutes later...

"It's not was it's?"

"Were." I answer and there was a knock on the door and Mr. Blegen seemed confused but opened the door and the class went quiet and Zhafir walked in.

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