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Asia POV

"She is stressing me the fuck out and I love it." Hassan sighed and the guys laughed.

The new chill spot has became my room. I just love how it makes me feel included, just to know that I'm not missing anything and everything that I do miss is not for me. They have went out their way to include me in stuff. I am on bed rest by doctors orders because I was showing early early signs of a miscarriage so he just put placement on bedrest and if I do this correctly which it is kind of common sense but if I take care of myself an hour I could get back on track with the partnership. I do have to have a C-section, I'm not really sure what he was saying, but he said some thing about my cervix and a whole bunch other shit. I mean I have always had PCOS so I knew maybe I would have some reproductive problems, but I'll get it together.

" she is a fucking stress box. She be having his ass on 10." Kenny laid on my legs. "Bonnie me telling me almost everything. She is just scared about really falling for you. That's all that is, it's nothing personal toward you, the little guard that she has up was already established before you came around. She's been behaving this way, and that's why she only had... Well, one boyfriend in all reality. She did talk to a couple of niggas I know that for sure. She is a good girl, she's very sweet, but she stands in and on her shit." Kenny shrugged.

" I am going to get her pregnant."

"What?" Was all I could say and they laughed.

" it's a guy thing, you don't understand. I love her, she should never leave me."

" well marry her. A baby is not going to make her stay, neither is a marriage, but marriage is more likely to last." I explained.

Well, she is fucking stupid so who knows.

" I don't care... We will make some beautiful, chocolate babies, and then we gone have generational wealth. You know what maybe I will marry her. We are going to elope tomorrow." We laughed.

"Tomorrow?" He nodded.

" I know what I want and it's her."

"Damn bro." Ken laughed. "You is hanging by a noose."

" She can cook, she can clean, she knows how to get to the fucking bag, she's beautiful, she's sweet, she's kind... But not like she's just kind you can tell that shit comes from her heart. She does it so flawlessly. She's such a good time, she makes our highs and our lows fine. You know how you go through shit with your girlfriend that should make you wanna just leave their ass, it's not like that with her. Yes, it's only been like three months, but I know how I feel is how I'm going to feel forever. I mean yes it's stupid to say that but It's the truth." We watched him explain. " It's just so funny to me how she comes from what she comes from but she still is this person. She just wants one person for the rest of her life, she wants to romance and she wants the fairytale that's all she fucking wants. She doesn't want any more than that. And if I can show her that I'm serious about her and I'm willing to prove to her how much I love her, whether that's not indulging in infidelity I'm going to do that. Then she explained to me that even when we're having disagreements, there is a certain way that I should handle it and I shouldn't speak to her certain way or I  shouldn't- just everything that she wants. She's made it very clear to me and is not a fucking hard. It's really not, she want to be with one person for the rest of my life and I want to be with one person for the rest of my life, I had my hoe days starting from when I was 10, I'm twenty fucking five. I can do this shit, I can give it 100%. If it doesn't work out it just doesn't work out but I really fucks with her. I don't if it's a love thing but I know it's just me and her." Zhafir rubbed my belly and kissed my forehead.

Yes, he needs to marry her ass so she can leave my man alone. Weird ass stupid ass bitch.

" whatever you do I am behind you 100%, if you want to elope, then just the loop. You already know how mom and dad is about this type of shit. They are not going to let nobody bring home unless they're white or light skinned and we're not doing that. Who gives a fuck what they say, we are just here for money, they got like 20 other fucking kids to worry about anyway, they never really cared about us so we have to find people we love and care about so they can love and care about us the way that we need them to." We all nodded in agreement.

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