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Ri'asia POV

"Come on Ri'asia . you've been stuck up in this house for a month now." Jayda whined.

"I am just relearning how to be by myself Jayda."

"No, you are learning how to isolate yourself again. You don't have to trap yourself in the house to love yourself Raya. live life and have fun, that is loving yourself. Doing what you want to do and what makes you happy is a road to loving yourself. Have fun and stop worrying about what everybody else thinks."

"I dont give a fuck about those people."

"But you do look at the clothes you wear, Ri'asia. you wear baggy ass clothes to appear smaller." I rolled my eyes. "Whatever bitch stay in the house I don't care."

"Okay i'll go jayda, damn." she squealed.

We got dressed and were on our way.

"Yes I told you that dress would look good on you." she smacked my butt and I pulled down the dress and these were hurting my feet and I was only standing for one damn minute.

We walked in the party and everybody was just going buck fucking wild.

Smoke in the air and cups all over the floor and Pop Smoke blaring through the speaker.

"Wanna get a drink?" Jayda asked me and I nodded.

We got our drinks and made our way back to the front. I spotted Zhafir and he was hugged up with the girl, Amberelle. Not really but still it felt like he was.

"Ouu look at my man." Jayda grabbed my hand and we made our way in their direction. "Hey boo." She hugged him.

"Wussup?" He hugged her. "You look good as fuck."

"Thank you, you look good too boy."

"Hey, Zhafir." I hugged him and he smelled so damn good.

I could hugged him all day.

"How you feeling?" He whispered in my ear over the music.

"Good, you?"


"You always chilling.'' The girl cleared her throat.

Bitch I know who you are.

Amberelle is the bitch I caught in Trey's room the first time when the shift in our relationship began.

"Hey Amberelle, how have you been?"

"Just call me amber." She shot me a fake smile.

Bitch I'll call you what I feel like when I feel like it.

"Zhafir, can I please sit down? My feet hurt. I hate to be a bother."

"Yeah here." He got up and I grabbed his hand and he helped me carefully sit down.

I looked at Jayda and she looked like she was about to laugh.

Was I being smart? Of course. She has had a problem since the day i caught her and Trey fucking and i never even stepped to her but i would love to give her the ass whooping she been asking for.

"Thank you."

"Well damn you could've given me that seat."

"What? You were never worried about it til she asked but if you would have asked I would've given it to you." he waved her off.

"Well you see me in these tall ass heels i was waiting for you to ask."

"Don't." he warned her and she growled in aggravation and stormed off.

"Fuck is her problem?" Bryon asked.

"I don't know."

We all sat around and watched everybody dance and just enjoy each other's company and talking about random shit. Dancing here and there. Zhafir was quiet the whole time he would randomly ask if i was okay but other then that he was quiet just looking around amd laughing at the stupid they were saying.

Zhafir Reed

This nigga been glaring at us for a minute now. I don't know who the fuck he is but whatever he on, I'm on. I dont wanna make it noticeable but the nigga odvisously has a problem.

"I need another drink." Raya yelled over the music and jayda got off of YG's lap. "No it's fine, I'll be right back." Jayda looked hesitant.

"No, i'll just-"

"Jayda, I got it." I held my hand out and she got up.

"You just wanna take off these heels." she nodded and bend down and took them off and handed them to me.

"Thank you."

She walked off and he took off in the same direction and I put the heel in her spot and followed behind her.

Ri'asia POV

"What Trey?" I pushed him back.

"Where you been?"

"No where you been, Trey, I told you I am done."

"Baby I miss you. If this is about what happened, I apologize. I don't know why I get so crazy Ri'asia. I just love you so much. I don't understand why you make things so hard for me."

"Trey, you are making it harder for yourself. I told you, you are free to be with Kia. She is a super nice girl and she fits your look."

"Ri', I will post you right now." I shook my head. "What do you want then? What is it?"

"For you to get away from me and leave me alone. Tremaine Carter I am done D O N E. your too late i realized if you loved me you wouldn't hit me and you would've been made an effort to fix our problems and the way you treat me and make me feel." he towered.

"Like i said before you are not going nowhere."

"What you going to hit me in front of all these people?" He chuckled and backed up. "Yeah, I thought so. That is exactly why I am done Trey. you will never do right by me. You literally in the same breath are trying to get me to come back to you but you are threaten me. I would be stupid to go back to you again." I tried to walk away and he grabbed my arm.

"I don't love Kia, Asia! I love you!" he shouted.

"Really Trey?" Asia walked from behind him. "Fuck you." she stormed off.

"You good Ri'asia?" Zhafir walked up to me. "Is there a problem?" he looked at Trey and Trey looked at him.

"I am talking to my bitch nigga." I snatched away from him.

"I am not your bitch, the hell? Leave me the hell alone." I grabbed Zhafir's arm and we made our way back to our little area.

"Everything okay?" I nodded. "Bitch I am tipsy off that hybrid. I am so fucking glad we got monday and tuesday off." I nodded in agreement and sipped my drink.

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