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Zhafir POV

"Wussup bro?" I walked up to Hassan and Kenny and I gave Bonnie a hug.

"Wussup punk ass." I laughed. "Wussup sis?" They hugged Asia. "You outside."

"Yeah." She laughed. "I am so used to laying down all day, my feet hurt." We laughed.

"You look beautiful." Sierra spoke.

"Thanks." She sighed. "I am going over there with Carmen."

"Okay I will be right there." She nodded and walked off.

"I swear I just wanted to say something nice. I was with good intentions. She was making me spirit nervous." I nodded. "I didn't mean to upset her."

"Can I speak to you." She looked at Hassan and he nodded and she gave him her purse and I walked over and I could hear her short steps in her heels walking behind me.

"What? If this is about that, I swear to God, I didn't mean anything by it. She looked very pretty, and I thought me telling her that would break ties. I don't want her to think there's any beef between us especially about you. I don't really care about that anymore, I don't care about that part of my life."

" we get it, you don't care about me anymore." She frowned up her face. " why are you stunning on me like this, are you showing off because you got a nigga right there?"

" no, I am not stunning on you at all. I was just-"

" be honest, do you wanted to show off for your nigga. You had a point to prove so you disrespected me just to prove that point."

" what are you talking about? Yes, the comment I made was unnecessary and I know that now. But I just wanted to include you guys because you were right there. No more no less. It wasn't for his entertainment or anything. I didn't really start to indulge in you and your girlfriend until you pointed out the fact that you thought... You thought that I was being shady. I wasn't being shady. I actually was being nice. I didn't want to not include you while you were standing there, I should've said her name... I get that part, maybe that part was shady, but I don't owe her that. She was very disrespectful to me, she had no clue what was going on between me and you, but she took the disrespectful route. So I don't owe her any type of respect."

" I know you, you were being very shady. You done sexed somebody else, so you feeling all high and mighty."

" you are feeling low because you're low on my priority list, you know how many times you made me feel like this 10 times worse. The difference between how you feel and how I felt is, I actually loved you. You don't love me, you think I belong to you. You wanna fuck me, you are the own and possess me. That's not love
You're not used to this type of rejection for me. You never expected it, It just smacked you in the face and now you're in your feelings." She folded her arms.

"What? That is not it at all. I just didn't appreciate how you play me up infront of your friends."

"My friends? They are your friends too! You played me first, you said you don't care about me. Right?" I sighed.

"I did-"

"Okay so why are you in my face? What? What is it? I am not for the bullshit anymore. I have someone that treats me just as good as I treat him and I am actually really happy. I am and I am over you but that was before him. You crushed me for the last time Zhafir. I loved you shamelessly and unapologetically and uncontrollably for years and you just kept hurting me. I don't wanna deal with that. I am over that. That is how you felt I just needed to hear you say it for my own sake, I was stupid but not anymore."

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