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Asia POV

I walked into the living room and Antonio and Zhafir were sitting on the couch. It's funny how they still manage to be around eachother and do everything together but they still don't talk. Has much as Antonio wants to hate Zhafir they can stay away from eachother.

"Hey baby." I sat between them and he shot me a small smile. "Don't feel like talking today?" He shook his head.

I looked at Antonio and his eyes stayed on the screen.

"Tonio please stop being mad at me. I sincerely apologize, I will not come at you like that again." I watched him and he nodded slowly.

"Whatever you say girl..." he shrugged. "We are watching Shottaz." He dismissed me and I looked at the TV.

Ou he is fine.

"Who killed my little brother!" He yelled and Zhafir laughed.

The front door opened and Jayda and Dana walked in.

"He is tempting me and then blaming me." Dana laughed.

"Girl..." Jayda laughed. "You are stupid as fuck." They put their bags on the couch and Jayda went in the room with the Car seat.

"Good morning." Dana walked around the couch.

"Good morning." Antonio smiled and Zhafir shot her a smiled.

"Y'all watching my movie. Antonio I put you on two days ago and you been watching it day and night. I got another movie for you."

" I want him to watch it with me," she nodded.

"Y'all talking again?" Jayda asked and handed Antonio the baby.

"No, fuck him." Antonio frowned up his face and kissed the baby. "Hey mini man. I missed you so much papa." He coed and the baby laughed.

"How y'all watching it then?" Dana asked.

"Because he sat down and he fell in my trap." They laughed. "I put the movie on and we've been watching it. I ain't say shit to him. He can't breath without me so I knew he would come sooner or later." Zhafir laughed.

"Y'all can't breathe without eachother." She flopped between me and Zhafir.

"Move." I pushed her and she gasped.

"You are mean." She frowned. "Zha'ce tell her to stop."

"Girl move." She looked at me and saw that was for real and she frowned up her face.

"I was just playing."

"I wanna sit next to my man."

Zhafir POV

I watch Dana mug Asia.

"Girl don't nobody want your man. Talking about my man. Girl... he is my brother." Dana shook her head." Ard I'll see y'all tomorrow. You staying in?" She looked at me and I nodded and she picked up my keys. "Can I?" I nodded.

"Take my car." Asia jumped in,

"I like driving stick better." Dana shrugged. " plus his car make that roaring sound and it's a monster on the road if you push it right? I am a hell raiser on the high way. When I stop at the red light I love rolling down the window and seeing peoples faces when they realize I'm the one driving the car. A bad ass bitch pushing something heavy. It's feed to my main character energy." She laughed and we laughed.

"No." Asia shook her head.

"Why? I will put gas in it. Can I get money for gas Antonio?" We started dying. "What?" She laughed.

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