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Dana POV

"Nah, she a bitch."

"Your mom is a fucking bitch." I snapped finally turning around.

Tyler is a guy that I used to talk to before I started to talk to Malik. Since school started he has been starting shit and nitpicking with me. He obviously took it hard, but damn. relax. I am sure he can get another girl.

"Bitch don't talk about my fucking mom. I will smack the shit out of you."

"Don't call me a bitch. You been trying to be smart all day Tyler, we didn't work out oh the fuck well. You have been being real nasty and disrespectful. You are salty as fuck."

"Bitch you hear what I said."

"So did your dead ass momma. I bet she is turning in her grave with her fat ass."

He has been started with me since the first day of school. This shit is really starting to get on my fucking nerves. I have been being very quiet while he has been very disrespectful. Bringing up certain shit that I told him. He told the school that he ate my vagina and everything.

Which was true and it didn't even feel good after the first three licks. Then he ejaculated in his pants just by eating me out. Like boy please

"I have tried to be understanding because you are butt hurt but fuck that and fuck you." I waved him off.

"Fuck you!"

"No, that's why we are here now."

"Bitch stop-"

No I got to show him who really a bitch. 

I dropped my bag and pounced on his ass and started fucking him up.

"Hey! Hey!" I heard yelling.

"Get the fuck off of me." He slammed me onto the school floor and a bitch didn't even feel it. It was so much adrenaline rushing through me. I hopped up and started whipping his ass again.

One of the male teachers grabbed him and he wrapped my shirt open revealing my bra.

The security snatched me away.

My brother gone fuck him up.


"That is no a way that a lady should act."

"I am a lady and I acted in defense. I am a lady, that doesnt mean I am weak or timid. I have power, I am powerful and I will stand up for myself and demand respect. I am a black women. Your white so you don't understand."

"I do understand."



"Your are white, you will and can never truely understand. No matter how much I explain you will never understand the fact that it's a reason I walk and talk the way I do. I have to protect my self. It only me and 6 other black guys here and they can't stand me on top of all the white kids who hate me already."

"No one hates you."

"You don't know my experience." I waved her off.

I am so tired of this fucking school. I am just ready to graduate so I can go with Asia and them. She pulls me in this office every fucking week about complaints. They keep complaining because I'm black and she doesn't understand it. I don't say anything to anybody, I don't do anything. Just because I'm a girl in a private predominantly white school, I get judged. My dad pays thousands of dollars for me to go here just like the next person here. But because I am black I get treated differently. Because I'm the black girl I get treated differently. They don't treat the black guys like that because they went all the basketball, games and all the football games and all the soccer games, but I get treated like this because I'm not useful, fuck that. I will not sit back and let them treat me any type of way because they feel like I'm less than.

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