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Asia POV

it has been a fucking months and no one has seen Malik or Dana. Everybody keeps telling me they are OK but how can I know for sure. They missed their wedding date.

" Hm give her this..." Zhafir gave me the food that he had puréed.

this dad thing has came very easy. He is the best dad that I have ever seen. I have to give him that. I kind of figured that he was going to be a great dad when he wasn't really worried about the gender. Most fathers want a boy just to teach their sons their ways, he didn't care. If anything, I think he wanted a girl. The way he acts with her and how he takes care of her. I don't really have to worry about anything. I mean, sometimes it does become overwhelming because I feel like I am the lost sheep in everything. I don't know... Because in the beginning, I wasn't really into this mom thing how everybody said I would be. I didn't want a baby but I know I was having sex and I have to suffer the consequences. I even felt disconnected from her during my pregnancy. I don't know what it was, but like I thought me just being around her and watching her grow and excepting the fact that I'm in my mom really ended that disconnect. I am warming up to it now.

"Ew this looks disgusting." He

"Taste it, it's good. Daddy knows how to cook." He kissed my cheek.

This morning felt like old times. Just having a him around and all over me. I miss my man, so much. I need him back and I know I could have possibly fucked up any chance of that but, I do truly think he should know.

"Zhafir why can't we be together?"

"We can be together." He laughed. "You have to change your ways and I am not talking about for a week then go back to the same shit. If you tell me my behavior is a bother. I change it in the snap of a finger. You have trouble seeing what you do to people and I refuse to believe you are a sociopath." He nudged me. "The way you act and the way we act when we are together makes me scared. It's so overwhelming because I don't want to be hurt or for your to hurt. I don't want this to be a forever thing. I have been wanting you back since the second I left that apartment."

"I slept with him." I blurted out.


"I- I had sex with him." He stared at me.


"Yes, I did it and I regret it and I am so sorry. I got tested and everything."

"You-" he rested his hand on his stomach. "Okay." He walked into the room and I followed behind him and he went in the bathroom and closed the door.

"Zhafir! I am sorry!"

I should've told him a better way. I should've never did it.

"I regret it."

Zhafir POV

I never been so fucking sick to my stomach. I knew she was dating but fucking... I can't deal with this shit.

"Zhafir I just thought if I told you we could start off with the truth." I threw up to the point where it had my fucking head cramping.

I couldn't do shit but feel that shit.

"I am sorry." She started crying and knocking on the door.

"Please... leave me alone." I sat against the wall and i it felt like my heart was double pounding. I could catch my breath.

I never thought she would do this. I lost everything for this girl. She just gone go fuck some other nigga. I lost my fucking brother. My best friend. My everything. Me and Antonio did everything together now we barely see eachother. We barely speak. We don't text, call, no none of that shit because I let her be her. I let her ruin me by being her. 

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