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Dana POV

" OK so what I am getting from this, you are upset because I'm not talking to you. I told you I wasn't going to be talking to you." I sighed.

Asia is going on one of her days where she likes to be mean, she wants to argue and fuss and fight because somethings didn't go right in her fucking imaginary life or her dream. Now that Zhafir doesn't want to fucking argue with her, she thinks she's going to argue with me. Don't nobody have time for that. That's why he's at his house now, don't nobody wanna deal with this shit where you start being a bitch for no reason. Do you want to start an argument just so you can put your fucking hands on people. You need to grow the fuck up.

" it's not about you not speaking to me. I don't care, but when I ask you to do something you do it."

" I am not your fucking dog. You ask me the right way or it's not going to get done. I'm not your fucking slave, I don't give a fuck if you cook breakfast. I didn't eat this shit, so I'm not going to clean up after you." I struck.

This is exactly why I am in such a rush to fucking move. She loves to talk shit about my mom but she is exactly like my mom. She hates it so she chooses to ignore it, but she acts just like my mom. My mom has these episodes and that's why I be letting her be how she be because she was trained to be this way, She doesn't do it on purpose. But the same way I took initiative to get help is the same way that she should have. She is older than me, but she's not as mature as me and that is very clear.

" I made food for everybody, whether you choose not to eat, is not my problem. Me and Jayda cook, so you can clean. You are the only one that never cleans up the here.

" what are you talking about? If it wasn't for me, all of those boxes were still be in his motherfucking living room. You're lazy. Stop acting like you're clean because you have a nigga now. I'm pretty sure that he knows that you're dirty and messy and disorganized. He's been around for what almost 2 years now, he knows the truth so you can stop showing off. I keep my area clean and I clean up behind myself because I'm old enough to do that. We all do, you are the only one that doesn't clean up after yourself you let things pile up and then you let other people clean up for you. You have always been the messy one."

" what the hell are you talking about? It's about contributing in the house. You want to leave here right? OK so clean the hell up just like everybody else. What are you talking about? I don't clean up. I cook, I clean as I cook-"

" if you clean as you cook what is this argument about?"

Right now it's just us in the house, Jada and Antonio went home with  Zhafir. The baby had a doctors appointment this morning and their house is closer to the babies doctor, so they just decided to stay at his place. Carmen is out right now, she should be back soon, but me and her don't really speak.

" you are such a fucking bitch. You're so fucking bitchy. You always have something smart to say."

The front door opened and Zhafir walked in.

"Hey sis."

"What's up." He hugged me.

"Hey baby." He walked over to her and kissed her. "Why y'all looking mad and shit. What is the problem?" He tossed his keys on the counter.

" she's acting like we live in the southern times where all the women have to cook and clean and slave. I didn't eat here, so I'm not going to clean it. That's the end of that discussion because I'm not gonna sit here and argue with you all day. That's what you do, that's what you want me to indulge in and I'm not doing that. I have been in therapy and I've been doing good and I feel like being around you It's just a test and you make me anxious and you cause me unnecessary stress. Argue with your men not me, because you add nothing to my life. I cannot let you demolish my progress, even if it's a little bit." I got up to excuse myself from the situation because this is very stressful. I don't wanna argue with her.

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