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2 year prior...

Zhafir Reed (Zi-Fear)

"Hey baby." I walked up to Amerie engulfing her in a hug.

"Hey babe." She sighed.

From the expression on Amerie's face I knew something was bothering her.

"What is wrong?" he rubbed her stomach. "Hey little man." she gently pushed my hand off of her stomach.

"We have to talk to you Zahfir." She sat down on the bench.

"What is it baby? You can't be stressing yourself out about unnecessary stuff. Its not healthy for the baby." She rolled her eyes and let out a loud sigh leaving him confused.

"The baby this, the baby that! That's all you ever talk about now. We haven't talked about shit but the baby. Well there is no more baby!"

"What are you talking about? I am just excited to start a family with you and I thought you felt the same. I didn't know you felt- wait what?" I sat there trying process with she just said.

I thought maybe I didn't hear what I thought I heard.

"There is no baby."

"Did you have a miscarriage?" her body lanauage changed.

"I got an abortion." I felt my heart break into a million pieces.

I couldn't do anything but sit there and search for any sign that this was a prank.

I was speechless, how could she? I thought we loved each other.

"Zhafir I wanna be something in life, I wanna finish school and continue to further my education."

"What the fuck do you mean? That wasn't just your fucking decision to make."

"It is my body!" she yelled.

"Fuck you and fuck your body, i am the father." I shouted back. "You could've given me a heads up or we could've sat and talked about it."

"This was a hard decision to make alone and I already knew you would try to talk me out of it. I did it for myself, I know what I want outta life and a kid is just not it." she started to cry.

"So us sitting down and talking about it was too much for you. So you let me walk around thinking I am going to be a father and telling my friends and my family. I told my fucking grandma Amerie! How could you?" she shrugged slowly and continued to cry.

I sat there trying to understand her but I just couldn't figure out why she thought it was okay for her to do. I just can't put my fucking finger on it. As the dad I should've had a say and she just snached my baby out of my arms. I honestly feel like she murdered my child, this pain is something i haven't felt since my grandpa died.

"Amerie." I sighed, I felt my emotions building up. "When did you do it?"

She cried even harder.

"The day we found out-"

"That was a whole two months ago!"

I could not control my anger anymore.

"As much as i love you, you didn't respect me enough to even fucking consider my feelings and then you walking around using me and got me buying you this and that because i am pregnant." I mocked her. "And whole time your killed the fucking baby? You are sick and you need help. Stop fucking crying and boohooing you killled our baby, you knew what you were doing and that's on you. I loved you and I would've done anything for you."

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