Spirit Prince (9) NSFW

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille

This chapter was sponsored by: "Somebody"
Thank you so much for buying an extra chapter. There's one more after this!

Also, there is an NSFW part more toward the end of this chapter.


Fel had been in the Spirit Realm for about a year. It felt like a few days for him, but for Liam, it felt like a decade had gone by.

As the days went on, Liam's face turned darker and darker. His aura had gotten chiller. Just looking into his eyes made one feel like they would be pierced by ice. His attributes were Water and Wind. It was no wonder they felt an icy wind breeze by them.

He could feel that Fel was still in the Spirit Realm. He had no idea what he was doing but wished he could go over there to be by his side.

As the days dragged out, a spark in his heart appeared. Fel had left the Spirit Realm and was on his way.

Liam paced around the room and was so excited he couldn't sleep.

Fel was coming back for him!


It took Fel and Marcel less than a day to reach Floecia's capital, Lasetias. Spirits could easily fast travel around the Realms, making Fel very happy.

He was humming the whole way there. Marcel wanted to stop his humming because he knew why Fel was happy, but his voice was so pretty and sweet that he didn't have the heart to force Fel to stop. Marcel was in constant turmoil for hours.

Fel and Marcel, who looked like Fairies as they decided to take their mother's casual appearance, were easily able to enter through the castle gates with their Royal Emblems.

They were quickly granted an audience.

When they got into the audience room, King Hugh and Liam were sitting in the throne room. Liam's chair was to the left of King Hugh while to his right was where his younger Queen sat. Queen Elize was bedridden because she had caught a cold.

The moment Liam saw Fel, he didn't say a single word, just ran over to him and brought him into a hug.

Marcel wanted to punch Liam for his rudeness! Didn't even greet him to introduce himself and he ran straight for his precious little brother! How dare he?!

Fel, on the other hand, embraced Liam happily. They had been separated for too long. He missed his husband even more than usual.

A long sigh could be heard from King Hugh. "Who would've thought this headache of a son would find a lover and not even tell his old father about him." He mumbled to himself.

He felt the disrespect! He raised this boy for 22 years and this was his treatment? Liam had always given him the cold shoulder filled with just a speck of warmth and now he was oozing with love for the young man in front of him. What happened to family?

Fel snapped back to reality when he felt the intense killing intent coming from his older brother. Liam was acting ignorant and continued to cling to Fel as if he couldn't feel the daggers stabbing him.

"You have 2 seconds to let go of my baby brother or I will chop off your hands." Marcel gritted his teeth as he reached for his sword. How dare this FIEND touch his little brother? Even daring to pinch Fel's butt in front of him! The disrespect was real!

"Liam, I missed you too, but let go of my brother will murder you," Fel whispered into Liam's ear before kissing him on the cheek.

Liam grumbled and reluctantly let go. He couldn't die just yet. He finally reunited with the love of his life.

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