8.88 Game On - Jokester

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"What's wrong, Mommy?", I asked, while she hastily unfastened her seatbelt.

"I...PEEING!", she shouted panicky and stumbled out of the car. Holding her crotch, she suddenly bent over double and crossed her legs. For a moment, she stayed in that position, before she just as suddenly pulled her pants and panties down to her knees. I could see her pussy was already dripping, but before I could even take a glance at the pad, she was already crouched down and a loud hissing sound gave away, she was peeing on the road. A car passed us rather slowly, but Mom quickly signaled them to drive on, while she was still squatting and pissing ^^ Then she fumbled in her pocket and got a tissue to wipe herself. Hesitantly, she got up and checked her clothes. I finally saw the pad in her slip and it had dyed yellow and looked swollen. After Mom had wiped her bum, too, she pulled her padded panties back up and then her leggings over them, that did nothing to hide the bulge of the bloated incontinence pad, that I had given her.

When Mom turned around, I quickly looked the other way and pretended to care for the bushes ^^ In the corner of my eye I saw her sit down very carefully, before fastening her seatbelt again and driving off. I didn't know what to say, but I was scared, that she was maybe too upset to drive.

"That was a close call, wasn't it, Mommy?", I said and tried to do both: lighten the mood a little and show her a way out. She looked over and smiled, before quickly shaking her head.

"No, it wasn't, hun, and I think you know that..."


"Your Mommy just peed her pants", she cut me off with a wink, but I objected:

"No, your pants and panties are still perfectly dry. So don't be upset about it"

"You're on to something I guess", Mom thought out loud and chuckled.

"And mine are dry as well", I added jokingly and Mom bursted out laughing.

"You're a jokester, honey, but I love you for that"

We finally arrived at the hotel. Seela turned out to be a black haired girl in goth clothes ^^ She wasn't even much taller than me and welcomed us with a mug of coffee in her hand. Mom gave me two bags and lifted the trolley case out of the trunk. Seela held us the big door open and locked it right behind us.

"Hi, thank you for waiting. How do you get out then?", Mom wondered.

"There's a staff entrance on the backside"

"That's not how I imagined you, but I like it", I told her and touched her studded vest. She looked rather surprised at me, but eventually smiled.

"Same. You're a very pretty girl, Lyza, and your blonde hair is off the chain", she told me making me blush.


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