7.41 Grinding - Pee Your Pants Again

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Pain shot through my body making me bend over and I also almost shat myself. Gladly my bowels weren't as weak as my bladder ^^ I managed to hold it in, but I would definitely need to go to the restroom very soon.

"Hey, stop it, Drake!", Dave shouted and pulled the punching boy away from me.

"But the bitch hit you..."

"You mustn't hit a girl! And watch your language", Dave lectured him before eventually turning around to me again. He tried to reach for me.

"DON'T touch me!", I shouted at him still bent over in pain.

"Alright. Are you okay, Lyz?"

"I'm FINE! Better take care of your little friends there..."

"Friends? They are my brothers. They just tried to defend their big brother", Dave returned with a smile and ruffled their hair. I didn't care for their excuses and just started climbing a ladder to the outside. Normally I wouldn't use the ladders at all, but now I had to step out rather carefully in order not to ruin my swimsuit ^^ Dave watched me before he just leaped onto the ledge and followed me.

"Get lost!", I shouted at him as I power walked towards the restrooms. He hesitated for a moment before he followed me anyway. Just when I reached the women's toilets he caught up with me. When I noticed him I quickly went inside. Without missing a beat Dave followed me.

"I'm really sorry. Lyza, please listen to me for a second", he cat-called me and startled me almost making me poop in my swimsuit.

"The second is over already. And you are not allowed to be here", I nagged at him trying to hide the fact that I had to use the toilet really urgently and he was hindering me.

"Oh, it won't be for long. We just had a misunderstanding and then things sort of got out of hands. But it was MY fault, okay?", he explained to me and it looked very honest.

"Okay", I answered brusquely and then had to cross my legs because I couldn't bear it anymore. He noticed and looked worried.

"Oh, I really didn't want to hamper you. Not that you pee your pants again", he noted and left quickly. The latter really upset me, but then the pain from my bowels almost made me lose it. So I quickly locked myself into the cubicle. As I undid the straps a cramp hit me and I involuntarily let go. Luckily it was only a fart! ^^ But the next one sure as hell wouldn't be just air.

I got my swimsuit down in time and sat on the pot. My bowels began emptying really fast which finally eased the pain for me. While wiping my bottom I reflected back on the situation with Dave. Had he really been mean to me or had I just been seeking a quarrel? It had been the latter and I had been trying to get into physical contact with him in hopes to get him to want more. Why? I really didn't know. Maybe it was because the situation with Mack had made me feel bad and I wanted someone to find me attractive. Anyway I realized I had done Dave wrong.

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