8.41 Game On - Exchanging Queens

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Trisha finally let go of me and so we went back to our class room. I felt her eyes on my bum on our way back and during the lesson. She'd tell someone, wouldn't she? Yeah, I had that snapshot of her in stained underwear, but would I really want to exchange queens? No way!

I rather tried to focus on the lesson that was once again held by the substitute teacher Mr. Williams - formerly known as stranger ^^ It seemed like he had already created a plan and was now building an interesting, interactive lesson about William Shakespeare. He didn't ask us to raise our hands to just keep us talking. When I contributed something, he smiled at me which still made me curious what this meant. Other than that I chatted a bit with Jenny, but Mr. Williams' teaching style largely prevented the usual dark whisperings. Eventually the school bell rang and we got up to leave. Suddenly Mr. Williams was behind me.

"You're Liv, right?", he asked unsure and when I noticed I signaled Jenny to wait for me outside.

"I'm afraid you got that wrong, Mr. Williams. You are thinking of 'Lyz' which is short for 'Lyza'. That's my name", I explained to him shyly and I might have blushed already. He had eyed me up all the while.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that, Lyza"

"It's okay. But may I ask what you want from me?"

"It is a bit embarrassing I'm afraid..."

"More embarrassing than getting my name wrong?", I asked with a wink and he chuckled.

"Good one. But in all honesty: yes, it might be...", he added timidly and I couldn't help, but encourage him.

"Go on, it's okay"

"I honestly didn't dare to ask Mrs. Henry about it. That's why I need to address you personally, Lyza..."


"How are your diaper changes handled?", Mr. Williams asked me all of a sudden and took me by surprise. I felt my cheeks glowing and turned around to make sure no one had heard him, but we were of course all alone.

"Uh what?", I hastily returned and forced a smile. He got it all wrong, though ^^

"I never had to deal with such a situation in class before, you know, but I also don't want to leave you high and dry. I don't know if it's Mrs. Henry's job or if it's even mine or if there's a caretaker for this...", he stammered unsure until I cut him off.

"STOP IT!!!"

"I...don't get it..."

"NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS!!!", I shouted at him and ironically wet my pull-up in the midst.

"Oh...okay...sorry...", he added while I turned around and walked towards the door. Just when I was about to exit, I stopped and thought about it. Then I trudged angrily back to him.

"Who did you talk to about this?"

"What...?", he asked confused.




"Nobody, I swear"

"But who...I mean...why...how do you...you know...know...?", I asked him with both hands on my crotch.

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