8.83 Game On - But It's Already Running

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"Come here, hun. I'll undress you so you can use the toilet, before it's too late!", she announced and took both hands from her crotch, when she suddenly doubled up and could barely move.

"But...but it's already running, Mommy...!", I told her in horror and began tearing up. Mom overcame her own pain for a second and ripped the sweatpants down to my ankles exposing my big blue diaper package again.

"Just let go, honey, it's okay...calm down...it is okay!", she tried to soothe me, while trying to prevent pissing herself again. I was crying out aloud, while uncontrollably pissing myself. I had the presence of mind to step out of my pants and shoes and lift my shirt to avoid them getting wet. A warmth spread all over my crotch and escaped the leg cuffs of the adult diaper on both sides. I looked at Mom, who was in tears herself wincing. Then it finally dawned on me.

"Mom, the toilet is still available! Just use the damn toilet!", I shouted excitedly at her. Mom looked at me surprised for a few seconds, before realizing we both had forgotten about it. I did not need it anymore! ^^ She quickly waddled over and I saw the bulge from the pad again on her bum. I swear I heard her pee hit the bowl already, before she had even pulled her pants down ^^ She moaned in relief, when I suddenly felt, my pee was running down my legs! I quickly made a few steps away from my clothes towards the wall, when I finally ran out of pee. This whole process had barely taken 30 seconds, but it felt like an eternity.

"Don't worry, hun. I'll clean you up in a minute", Mom announced exhausted and wiped her vagina. I realized with dismay, that despite her wincing and doubling over, she hadn't wet herself one bit. I saw the incontinence pad lay in her blue panties and there wasn't one single yellow or wet spot on it. Don't get me wrong. I was glad, she had made it. But there was also a part of me, that had hoped, she would become more understanding, if she wet herself, too.

"Wow, you made it"

"I think wetting myself once is more than enough anyway", she returned cheeky and hurt me with that remark. Then she pulled her pants up and came over. First she put my clothes away from me. Then she undressed my shirt as well. I had used it as a shield, but now that it was gone, I got a full view of my big diapered crotch and also saw the drops on my legs. My socks were soaked, too!

"Be careful, the diapers leaked", I quickly warned her, when she came closer.

"I know, I see that. There's a big puddle in your plastic pants"

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