8.71 Game On - Two Sizes Too Big

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Mom came back with a bucket and a sponge and began cleaning the pissed on seat. Of course this wouldn't exactly undo the damage, but it would at least help with the smell. After about half a minute, she brought them both back to the shop.

"Just one more thing and we'll be ready to go, honey", she announced searching for something. Mom eventually found her wallet and went behind the gas station - to the toilets I guessed to pay the fee. It didn't take long. But she came back with the dirty towel, which we must have forgotten in the restroom. Mom brought it to the blonde in the blue sedan and thanked her again, before they quickly drove off. Then she rushed back to the car and went around it to open the trunk. Mom rummaged around for a while, before she closed the trunk again and finally entered the car. I noticed she had something in her hands. Then she turned around to me and gave me, with a big smile on her face, my favorite band shirt. I initially wanted to complain, because she just took it from my wardrobe without asking, but quickly decided against it. I didn't want to risk further anger ^^ The good thing about this shirt was, that it was about two sizes too big for me and thus very long. It was perfect.

"Great, thank you!", I told her happy, because when I had asked her for a longer shirt, it didn't seem to me like I would really get one ^^

"You can change on the road. Here are too many prying eyes"

We left the gas station and made our way back to the interstate.

"Please drink some water, honey. You seemed almost like you had passed out, when you wet the seat", Mom noted and pointed at the cooler without looking. This scared me, since I had had the same feeling. Or was it rather the dream, which had given me the impression?

"Okay, Mom", I returned and hesitantly took a sip from the bottle.

"You don't need to hold back anymore due to being afraid to not make it to the bathroom. Your protection will take care of it anyway, hun", she added and gestured with her finger to drink more. So I gulped down a few more sips, before putting it back in the cooler.

I looked around and noticed, we were finally gone from the populated areas again, so I took the time to undress my shirt. I saw Mom stare at me in the rearview mirror and instinctively covered my breasts with my hands. She smiled.

"You look good, honey"

"Thank you, Mom", I returned blushing and saw the blue plastic panties sticking out of the top of my gray sweat pants. I put my hands away and looked at my bare breasts with the plastic pants in the background. I found the combination odd, but I guessed somewhere in the world existed somebody, who liked it or even found it hot ^^ Eventually I put my black band shirt on and felt a lot better.

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