8.28 Game On - Shiny Blue Tights

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"You look funny", I suddenly heard a voice behind me and when turning around saw Mila standing on her threshold.

"Mila...", I stammered perplexed while Mom was in the midst of unlocking our door. She turned around as well:

"No, Mila!"

"What's going on here, darling?", Mrs. Peters asked her daughter giggling and hugged her from behind.

"Gina!", I heard Mom shout which rose Mrs. Peter's attention. She looked at me and her eyes grew wide:

"No, Mila, get inside! Please go on the potty again before we go to the playground, darling", she reacted quickly and pushed Mila back into the house.

"Lyza wears shiny blue tights", Mila added before she was finally gone and I hoped she hadn't put two and two together. Mom had waved at me to come over and already went inside when Mrs. Peters called me.

"Lyza, wait", she told me and steered towards me. I quickly covered my crotch.

"Yes, Mrs. Peters?"

"How are you?", she asked me which caught me really off guard and upset me.

"Are you kiddin'!?"

"What? No, I am not"

"Oh...however...I...I don't wanna talk about it if that's okay...", returned shyly and felt I was weeing myself a bit again.

"Of course, Lyza. It's your decision"

"Thank you, Mrs. Peters"

"If I may say something anyway...", she began carefully and I saw she was really worried.


"You can come to me any time if you are in trouble or your Mom's not home or if you just want to talk about something. It's really important for me that you know. I promise I won't judge you and I'm not even telling your parents about it if you don't want me to, Lyza. Got that?"

"That's really nice of you"

"I know your Mom can be very strict with you sometimes. This can be hard to bear in your situation..."

"She's very patient with me, but thanks"

"Glad to hear that", Mrs. Peters returned and we both smiled at each other when suddenly Mila screamed:

"Mommy, I pooped!"

"I better look after her", she told me with a wink and gave me a hug. I really felt like I could tell her anything which was a big relief.

"Thank you so much", I kissed her on the cheek and quickly followed Mom inside.

"What took you so long?", Mom asked me in the bathroom.

"Mrs. Peters offered me her help"

"Oh, that's nice of her. She's very understanding"

"You too", I added with a smile and gave her a big hug.

"Your pants are already in the dryer and now we gotta clean you up as well", she told me and got down to one knee to undo my pants.

"Thank you", I told her, but suddenly she hesitated.



"Did you make a mess?"

"I don't know what...but you told me to let go...", I stammered unsure, but she held me back.

"I did and I know you weed in your diaper, but did you also poop?"

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