7.47 Grinding - Incontinent

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"I'm sorry, but I'm not telling you lies, Marlena. See the bulge on my bum?"

"So you pooped yourself...?", she asked confused and pulled away from me. I began laughing, much to her surprise.

"No! I'm wearing a protective pad so my pants stay dry"

"So you're incontinent then?", she dug deeper and I still couldn't get used to the term. But if you thought about it, she was right. As for the moment at least I was indeed incontinent.

"I am"

"I'm sorry about that..."

"I wasn't sure if my protection would be able to absorb it all so I peed in the bushes"

"That makes sense. You're one brave girl to take this so lightly, Lyza", she noted astonished and surveyed my bum. I felt I had blushed, but I had decided not to submit to my new handicap. The unknown woman from the pool restroom had impressed me and I wanted to be just like her.

"I'm wetting myself either way. So why should I worry about something I can't change anyway?", I told her with a bright smile and she giggled.


"I hope you're not mad at me anymore for urinating in public so I can actually get home now"

"Of course not! I just had no idea. Bye, Lyza. Have a good one!"

"You too, Marlena"

After about ten minutes I already felt the need to go again. Since I still wasn't sure about the condition of my padding I decided to not risk anything. There was a big barbecue chicken truck right in front of me. The flavor of tasty chicken filled the air. But I wasn't there to grab a meal. No, I just sneaked behind the truck and used it as a shield. I was already peeing a bit when I pulled my panties down. This time it was finally back to normal again which means I only peed a bit. The effect of the iced tea had finally vanished. Time to check the pad. There was a big yellow stain on it that made you think it was drenched. However the surface was still as dry as dust. Judging by the swelling it was thick but still fine. I pulled my pad and panties up and checked the bulge again. It was disconcertingly wearing out. The leggings wouldn't be able to cover it decently let alone the fact that it had been this way since the beginning of my way back. I pulled the leggings up, too, and then loosened the straps of my backpack so it covered my bum.

Shortly before I arrived in our neighborhood I checked my panties again. I had dribbled a few drops several times without an effort to stop it so before I faced people again I wanted to be assured. One touch on my butt was enough to feel the pad had leaked. Without looking for a hideout I just squatted and pulled my package down. The pad had grown bigger and I felt wetness on its surface that I hadn't noticed while wandering. Then I checked the gray panties which featured a big dark patch. It looked like I had missed the pad for the last ten minutes ^^ I pulled them up again and examined my black leggings. On first glance they were fine, but with the help of the sunlight I could make out that the butt of my pants were one big wet stain. How was it possible that I hadn't perceived this?

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