8.82 Game On - Running At Full Speed

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"Hey, what happened?", I accidentally complained aloud and Mom turned around.

"Oh, you're awake, honey"

"Why are my pants down?"

"I'm sorry. I had to check on your diaper. It's really full now and I'll change you at the next stop", she explained, while looking at the road. I stared at the big package and noticed, that there were drops clearly visible through the transparent blue foil. I hoped I hadn't leaked on the seat again. I got up and quickly fiddled with my sweatpants until they were back up.

"How long did I sleep?"

"I don't know for sure. About an hour and a half I guess"

"Oh wow", I returned still a bit drowsy and noticed a slight pressure in my bladder.

"Could you please give me something to drink? My mouth is so dry", she asked and I gave her the bottle from the cooler. She grabbed it hastily and gulped it down sip by sip, before she eventually sighed in relief. The sound of the water hadn't exactly made things easier for me ^^

"How long until we reach the stop you mentioned?"

"I'd say in about 15 minutes", she answered and I noticed her knee was nervously moving up and down already. I wasn't the only one eager to get to a toilet ^^

The first few minutes were no problem. I just sat in my seat and distracted myself by looking at the other cars and the places we passed. But then it began aching in my bladder. I ultimately decided, that I couldn't stay entirely dry anyway. And I didn't need to. So whenever the pressure became too much, I just dribbled a few drops before holding on again. I grabbed my diapered crotch rather tightly in hopes, it would prevent the urine from passing the barriers ^^ But Mom's hand was stuck to her crotch as well, when we finally entered the parking lot. We almost simultaneously jumped out of the car and rushed towards the buildings. Mom had also grabbed the diaper bag from the footwell. We tried to read the signs, which is not exactly easy, when you're running at full speed ^^

"There's the bathroom sign", I announced pointing at the building on our righthand side.

"Well done, hun"

"Look, there's also the wheelchair sign"

"A disabled toilet, perfect!", she shouted relieved, when we finally reached the building. I saw Mom quickly cross her legs and hold her crotch with both hands, so I thought she must have already leaked a bit and couldn't move. I myself began wetting myself slowly, so without hesitating I pulled against the door handle and luckily the door opened. It was indeed empty. We waddled in and I locked the door.

"Oh no!", I blurted out realizing, that taking a hand from my crotch and moving had opened the floodgates already.

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