Chapter 59

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I got something for you! Murder smiled looking over at me. He's been showering me with gifts and love all day. I was to the point where I just wanted to climb in bed and go to sleep cause I was so tired.

What now baby?! I giggled looking up at him.

You know I love you right? He said grabbing my chin and looking me in my eyes.


And your so beautiful!


And your so smart, brilliant to say the least!
And sweet and caring!
And courageous!
Sexy as fuck!

Thank you baby! I couldn't take all the affirmations my heart literally fluttered and I was tearing up.

You can keep your house do whatever you want with it. But as your husband I moved you and all your stuff in my house. Not only that I put your name on the deed as well.! He said while looking me in my eyes. He wiped my tears making me smile.

I don't know what to say! I laughed nervously.

Don't say anything at all. He leaned in and kissed my lips.

I love you Jaxn!

I know you do! He said with a smile. He opened the car door to get out and came around to open mine. He helped me out the car and closed the door behind me. We was at his house. He opened the door for us and we went into the house. I always loved his house it was so beautiful.

Welcome home baby! He smiled. I walked up the stairs and at the top of the stairs bags from Chanel lined down the hall on both sides to his room with pink and white rose petals. When I reached the room on the bed was a life size teddy bear and a huge and I mean huge dozens and dozens of roses. All my things from home was neatly every where around the room.

I hope and pray to god that he always continue to bless your heart. Thank you! I smiled widely.

Always baby! He smiled sitting on the bed.

I never thought I have someone in my life to share anything in my life with. But you came into my life out of no where when I wanted to feel loved so bad. I never really knew how to receive love but I know how to give it and you make sure I received it back. I pray to god everyday that he continues to make me a better woman for you because he has blessed me with the most amazing man ever. Your so selfless your soul is so beautiful and shows nothing but complete love to me. I needed you so bad in my life thank you for coming!

I could say the same mom wasn't always in my life and I wasn't loved as a child and I never knew what it felt like to be loved or show love but I know I wanna love you and I'm always gonna do everything in my power to prove to you that I love you. I pray that god always makes me a better man for you everyday and that he works on me to be better for you. Your soul is so beautiful and your so pure.

For the rest of the night we sat in the middle of the bed talking about our lives from beginning to end. We was so deep into our conversation. We smiled, we laughed, and we cried. We was learning so much more about each other. We was completely open with each other and even told our deepest darkest secrets. I felt like I known this man all my life.

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