Chapter 82

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Becoming a mom was the most promising thing I have ever done. I hadn't put my son down since I birthed him. Ms Nina helped him latch on to my breast to feed him. He was such a good boy already! She left the room to give me and Jaxn privacy with our son for a little while. He was so tiny. He weighed 6lbs and 3oz and was 19 inches tall. He definitely was gonna be tall like his daddy.

Jaxn was in the shower cause the water from my birth got on him. He loved the name that I picked out for our son. Cameron Sincere Wilson! I guess being mad at Jaxn my whole pregnancy really did pay off plus being a love child had everything to do with it as well. Our son looked just like him.

Damn Des you ain't got nun my clothes still here?

Why would they be?

Uhh we use to live together!

Look in the closet in the bottom jewer. It's still some sweat pants and some t-shirts down there.

My baby was done feeding and I burped him. I got him dress in just a plain white onesie because he still had his umbilical cord on him and attached to his placenta. I wanted to make sure my baby got all his nutrients before we had cut it. I placed some socks on his tiny feet. He was so perfect.!

Yeah hello! Jaxn said answering his phone. "Yeah ma he here!" He said smiling so hard you can hear him through the phone. He walked out the closet and came and sat next to us on the bed. He was on FaceTime with his mom.

Hi ma! I smiled as he put us in the camera.

Awww hi babies. Hi granny man! Destiny he is so precious. Talk about a love child he his daddy twin! She laughed.

Yes he is!

What's the name you guys picked out?

His name is Cameron Sincere Wilson! I smiled proudly.

That's beautiful! How was it Destiny?

It was challenging at first. I was in a lot of pain. My water broke literally during the wedding right before she said I Do!

What?! Did you cause a scene!

No of course not! I was not going to ruin my sister wedding.! I had to hold it in and keep my composure. I damn near had to fight her just to stay and enjoy her wedding and reception.

She's a real friend!

It don't get no better than her. But I'm going to lay down ima give him back the phone.

Okay honey you call me when you get up. Send me some pictures!

Okay I will! I gave him his phone back and picked my baby up to lay him in the bassinet.

Ight ma love you too! He said before hanging up. "You need anything Des?"

No I'm fine thank you! Gina called you didn't she....

Yeah...I wasn't sure if you wanted me here or not Des but I didn't wanna miss the birth of my first child!

Thank you for coming.....I know im to stubborn to say anything but I do thank you.

Told you I'll always be here for you Des wether you like it or not.

I know.... I leaned in and kissed him. "I love you Jaxn!" He was completely caught off guard by the kiss and my words.

I love you to Des! He said blushing.

I want you to know I forgive you for cheating on me. I feel like that put me in a dark place mentally and physically. I was hurt for so long until I mainly focused on our child. I do admit that I wish you was here at times but all im asking from you now is to coparent with me and be here for your son.

Of course I will without hesitation! Let me ask you something though.... You ever think we gone get back together?

I would love to still be with you but I can't trust you and if I can't trust you than I can't be with you. I don't want to live my life always thinking about he's probably doing XYZ. I don't wanna be worried about why you don't love me and if im good enough for you! Im way to good for that to be doubting anything. I rather just coparent with you.

I won't fight you anymore you made your point clear to me..... I really am sorry and if you ever need anything you got my number.

We can do every other week if you like.

Ight that's cool. He got up from the bed and I could tell he was hurting his heart was hurt and broken. "Thank you for having my baby, I love y'all!" He said before kissing my forehead. I couldn't express how much I hated him and loved him and missed him so much. This was a heart breaking moment for me too.

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