Chapter 30

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I woke up sore as fuck. I felt like I was hit and crushed by a fuckin building. I tried to sit up but was connected to a bunch of monitors. My heart felt like it was racing and I was gone have a heart attack. I started panicking pulling shit off of me. I couldn't breath. I started crying!

Destiny! Destiny! Calm down! A white lady said rushing into the room. She grabbed my hands and kept saying my name. I was blinded by my tears. "Destiny your okay!" She assured me.
"Your in the hospital, just calm down!"

Another nurse came running into the room and my breathing slowed down as she stood in my face taking deep breaths with me. "Your okay Destiny!" She said. They both let go of me and I just started crying. She placed an oxygen mask back on my face and took some more monitors off of me and fixed the IV I accidentally ripped out.

I'll call your sister! The one nurse said walking out.

Hi Destiny I'm Lexi I'm your nurse. You okay?

No! I'm in pain.

Well that's expected....I have some pain meds for you. She handed me two small cups one with pills one with water. I took both of them and gave it back to her. "You was out for 2 days.! You may still feel a lil whoozy but that's expected from head trauma!"

The other nurse calling my sister?

Yes, Gina! She was just here but left for an appointment or something she said she was coming right back. I felt relieved that Gina was here by my side.

Here lay back and try to get some more rest.
I'm going to get you some water and ice keep you hydrated. Here's the nurse call button, and remote to the tv just try to relax for a second okay!

I nodded my head and she walked out closing the door but the other nurse walked in. "Hey so I talked to your sister and she said she's 5 minutes away!"


Do you remember anything what happened to you?

Unfortunately! I said with tears in my eyes. I can't believe somebody would do this to me. I never in my life had to deal with this stuff when I was with Zay.

I curled up into a ball. My face hurted so bad and my body. I just wanted to run and hide and never be found again.

Owee baby!!! Gina's voice roared through the door coming in as Chaz was behind her. She had tears in her eyes. I hugged her so tight I broke down crying. Chaz closed the door and hugged me to.

How did you know I was here?  I questioned wiping my tears.

I just knew something was up when you didn't show up to work and than when I got to your house I found you beat up tied to the chair. I untied you and called the police what happened.?

I was watching tv until about 4am. I went upstairs to get in bed and soon as I was falling asleep I heard glass break so I grabbed my gun and I went downstairs. Next thing I know my mouth and nose was covered and I woke up tied to a chair naked. It was 3 guys and they kept asking about Murder and where he was at. I told them I didn't know. They even went through my phone. Him not texting back and answering calls saved my life they was goin to kill me. They had guns to my head and all. They robbed me. They took all my money, my clothes and purses, all my jewelry, tv's everything that they could of gotten they hands on they did. And they...

What?! What Destiny?!

They rapped me! I did not wanna admit that cause I'm didn't wanna be that girl.

The doctor did perform a rape kit on you just in case so if anything came back the police does have that Des! I'm sorry sis! Chaz said wanting to cry.

All this over Murder ass! I knew he wasn't no damn good for you I will kill that bastard. Gina cried wiping my tears.

Ima find out who did this to you sis! Believe that! Chaz said wiping his face. "Excuse me!"'he left out the room. I think he didn't want us to see him cry.

Oh I'm so happy your okay! I was so scared when I found you! Gina cried.

Thank you Gina I love you!

I love you more sister. I wrapped my arms around my sister and hugged her. She's all I had!

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