Chapter 84

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My baby was officially a week old today and had his first doctors appointment. I loved every second of being his mommy. So far Cam was so easy going. He didn't give Jaxn any trouble at all this week at night and he pretty much slept all day for me so I slept when he slept.

My belly was going down so much since I had him. My snap back was crazy. I was so happy I was all baby. The little bit of weight I did gain put me back at me original weight from when me and Jaxn first met!

All an all everything was perfect but I still didn't feel 100%. I felt like I was going into depression and even though my friends and family surrounded me I still felt very much alone.

Baby boy Godmommy is here!!!!! Gina yelled loudly laughing coming in the house.

He's sleep! I yelled back getting his diaper bag together.

We'll wake him the fuck up the most important person in his life is here and I know he misses me like I miss him!

Gina please shut the hell up!

Oweee why you got an attitude! A nasty one at that!

I don't know!  Can you hand me those bottles!

Mmmm I know why you need some dick!

I don't want nun of that!

When is the last time you even had some?

When I was in Bora Bora!

What!!!! That was like 5 months ago I know you stopped bleeding by now, Murder ain't try you?

Me and Murder don't even speak to each other unless it's about our child.

What? Ight now that man done learned his lesson like 10 times take him back already!

No I'm falling through with the divorce. I'll never give anybody the chance to play with my heart!

Well hell fuck on him than! At least get a nut off with that nasty ass attitude.

Gina I do not have an attitude and I don't want no sex from him or nobody else! All I wanna do is focus on this little boy and get back to working. Hand me those diapers.

How much shit you need in there?

A lot! Well I just wanna make sure he got enough stuff. He's going with Murder when we leave the doctors.

Damn y'all really coparenting?!

Yeah and it's going good. One week he gets him all night while I get him all day the next week he gets him all day and I get him all night.

Damn Des you really serious!

You thought I wasn't?

You didn't wanna give the famiky thing a try?

I did.....I got cheated on!

And im sure he's very sorry! Everybody deserves a second chance.

Well maybe so but I don't give them.

I hear you! She washed her hands and put hand sanitizer on before picking up Cameron and placing him in his car seat. She carried him out and buckled him into the car.

I drove to his doctors appointment and she came in with us. Murder was in the waiting room waiting on us.

Hey! I said speaking to him sitting the car seat down to go sign him in.

I sat down and filled some papers out. He was in his phone and Gina was trying to wake my baby up.

Cameron Wilson! A nurse called out. We got up to go follow her to the back. She showed us to the room and told me to get him completely undressed. She checked his vitals and we waited for the doctor to come in.

Damn Gina you don't play about yo title huh? Murder asked joking.

Nope I sure as hell don't! She said before giving her attention back to the baby. "Say fuck you daddy my God mommy is da most important!" She said in a baby voice.

Your i'llin bro! He laughed.

Hellooooo! Wilson family! The doctor smiled coming into the room. I'm doctor brown and this must be Cameron. She smiled.

Hi! I smiled.


Yes, Destiny! That's dad Jaxn and Gina his Godmother! I said introducing everybody.

Well it's nice to meet you all. How was your labor?

It was good!

I was reading some of the notes from your midwife she said you did amazing. Do you have any worries about anything?


She grabbed a pair of gloves and began to check Cameron out. "Is he going to the bathroom regularly?"

Yea no problems there! I laughed.

He looks really good. Full term right?


She checked his eyes and his ears and mouth. She took his diaper off and checked his privates. She listened to his lungs and heart. "How much is he eating?"

Umm he's breast fed but when I pump in the bottle he eats about 2 ounces.

Good! He looks really good he sounds good. He's weighing in around 6lbs and 6oz now. So he is gaining a bit of weight that's good that's what we like to see. If you don't have any questions for me than we can set you up for his two month appointment and get you guys outta here.

No I don't have any... Jaxn do you have any? I asked.

Nah, long as he hood I'm good! He said getting up to get him dress.

Yes he's doing wonderful well it was nice to meet you all he's a very lucky boy I can tell he's well loved and he's doing great!

Thank you! I smiled getting up. She left the room and I helped him get him dress and back in the car seat. The nurse came back with his follow up appointment sheet and we left out.

I'll bring him back to you tonight at 8, if that's cool? Murder said as we walked out.

Yeah that's fine.

Ight! He walked his way and we went ours.

That man so hurt! Gina said shaking her head.

That ain't nun my business! I said getting in my car. "You wanna go get your nails and feet done?"

Hell yeah! Especially if you paying! I'll even take a meal after! She said laughing making me laugh. She was so annoying!

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