Chapter 114

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I sat on the floor with Gina and Ka wrapping presents. It was late in the evening and the babies was sleeping. We watched the grinch and ate cookies and drank milk. I wasn't in the mood for nun of this but they forced me into this. It's a few nights before Christmas and I had no spirit. I just had so much on my mind. I feel like I was losing myself actually.

The door opened and a cold breeze entered my home. I struggled to get up but when I did by the time I got to the door way I was met face to face with my husband.

I should be jumping for joy right now and having a grin so big like his. "I'm home in time for Christmas baby girl!" He explained smiling embracing me in a hug. I didn't feel the happiness he felt. I mean don't get me wrong I was happy for him being home for
Cam but I just kinda felt numb in some sense.

Welcome home! Gina and Ka spoke smiling.

What's up y'all! He grinned back. "Damn y'all both big as hell! He joked touching my stomach. I backed up a bit from him and his grin died down a bit. "I thought you be happy to see me!" He questioned. He looked at me weird.

I am! I smiled closing the house door behind him.

You sure? He asked grabbing me by my waist and wrapping his arms around me. The babies started moving as he kissed my neck. "They missed daddy i see!" He joked. I moved away from his embrace as he tried to kiss me. "What y'all was in here doing?"

You should go shower, I know you wanna get that jail smell off you.

You right....he said looking at me. He let go of me completely I walked away from and went back and sat down on the floor. He looked puzzled that I left him standing there. He went upstairs to go shower and the girls just looked at me.

Damn Des that was cold! Gina said biting into a cookie.

Yeah Des I know he feel like shit after that, what's the matter? Nakala asked pouring a little more wine.

I shrugged my shoulders and finished wrapping the presents.

Nah something is up with you Destiny! Gina said grabbing my face to look me in my eyes.

I just....I just don't feel the same....that's all! I admitted. "They say when a woman leaves she leaves mentally before she leave's physically and seeing him makes me want to leave physically as well. I don't know....I'm just numb right now I can't describe the way that I'm feeling.

You still trippin over that Shìt that happened with JanaHoe?! Ka asked.

Yes....No.... I just wished he would of told me that's all...

If he would of told you that would you have felt any differently? Gina asked seriously.


Look I ain't saying that man right or anything cause I'd probably feel the same way to but Des just give him a chance! He wants to be with you and love you so much. He knows what he did was wrong and he's been trying to fix it since it happened. I know time heals all wounds but come on where you gonna find another man as fine as him, got money like him, loves you to death, and take care of his family the way he does. Ka said.

Nakala it's not about all that. What's important the most is the way he makes me feel. I could careless about the money and how fine he is. What I care about is how happy he makes me, the love and time and loyalty out of all things! Being honest with me no matter how bad the truth is! I want my kids to see their moma being loved properly with the upmost respect cause if I don't respect myself how can I expect someone else to do it?! And him cheating on me and having a fuckin baby on me is the ultimate disrespectful thing ever! At first I was about to be okay and look past this a bit but after him not saying anything to me like we are not a team like I wasn't good enough to know he fathered someone else child, after he gave the next bitch enough leverage to throw that shit in my face. I don't feel the same! I wiped a few tears that had fallen. It's like maybe I needed to cry. Maybe I had so much hurt and anger built up inside of me I needed a outlet. I didn't talk about the way I really felt, I just swept it under the rug and kept moving on.

Look y'all I just wanna call it a night. I said getting up from the floor. I had to remember to take my time. I be getting dizzy as fuck. I don't know why it's so hard for me to remember I have two children in me.

Okay I understand where you coming from Des but just remember everybody makes mistakes. Don't let the next have your man based off the intentions on wanting to destroy y'all and wanting him from the beginning. Gina said as Ka helped her up.

I guess...I love y'all I'll call y'all tomorrow! I hugged my sisters and walked them to the door. I watched them pull off and away as the fresh snow was just about to hit the ground.

Where the girls go? Murder asked coming down the stairs as I picked the last bit of the wrapping paper up.

They left it was getting late. I said as I stuffed it into the hall closet.



Des you alright? He asked grabbing me and looking me in my eyes.

Mmmmhm, welcome home! I removed his arms from my waist. "I'm going to bed! Cams sleeping, he sleeps through the night so he won't be up until late. I cooked rice with smothered chicken and broccoli earlier, it's left overs in the fridge if your hungry.!"

Ight thanks baby.....ima step out for a bit, you sure you okay? You seem kinda off!

I'm fine, goodnight Murder! I went around him going upstairs. I closed the bedroom door and climbed into bed.

Love is like a box of chocolate! You never know what your going to get!

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