Chapter 81

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Gina was so beautiful walking down the aisle. My sister was getting married and I was so excited for her. I wiped my tears because I was crying like a baby!

I was starting to cramp really bad and I know you could see it all on my face as they was saying their vowels.

Ummm did your water just break? Nakala asked me through gritted teeth. I could feel water dripping down my legs.

I think so Ka! I said slowly. I was in complete shock.

Are you in pain, we gonna move to the back slowly and I'll take you home.

No! After the wedding is over! I'm not ruining her wedding! I said as they exchanged rings.
"I can handle the pain and pressure!"

You so damn stubborn!

I'm not missing my sister moment!

You may now kiss your bride! The minister said and Chaz and Gina closed in on a big kiss. Everybody cheered and screamed in happiness. 

I clapped my hands and cheered for them as they walked back down the aisle. We followed along with them. I made it out of the church before I couldn't breathe from the pain.

Okay come on! Nakala said rushing over to me.

We gotta take pictures!

Look let's go or I'm telling her!

Please just let's take the picture and we can get out of here if you tell her I swear to God Ka ima kill you!

Ight dude! We went over to them and where we was suppose to take pictures.

Group photos first please! Nakala announced.

My contractions was at least 10-15 minutes apart. I felt like I could make it.

Your dress is wet bookie! Gina said as I came to stand next to her. She looked me up and down and gasped so hard "your water broke didn't it!"

Surprise!!! I said trying not to cry.


Bout 20 minutes ago before you said "I Do!"

Oh my god okay! Let's go!

You not going anywhere Gina! It's your wedding day.!

What's wrong? Chaz asked coming over to us.

Her water broke during the wedding! Gina answered trying not to cry.

I'm fine guys I can make it home.

Well we gotta go! Chaz said about to pick me up.

No you two stay here! I'm not ruining your wedding!

You think ima miss my God baby be born! Girl kiss my ass, baby pick her up and carry her to the car. Chaz picked me up so quick and carried me to the car.

Y'all have so many people here for y'all enjoy y'all wedding and reception please! He might not even come today!

I just got off the phone with the midwife she said she's going to meet us at the house! Nakala said running to the car.

I'm not letting y'all come! I will keep y'all updated, please enjoy y'all wedding. I begged wiping my tears.

I'm cutting it short we will be there! You here that baby Cameron GodMommy and daddy will be there later little boy you better not come until I get there! Gina yelled at my stomach making me laugh a bit.

Please keep us update! Chaz said worried.

I love you sister!

I love you to! I cried hugging Gina. She closed my door and blew me a bunch of kisses as Ka pulled off and headed to my house. I took a bunch of deep breaths as my contractions seemed so much harsher the closer we got to the house.

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