Chapter 117

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I tossed and turned all night trying to get comfortable I just couldn't. I forgot my body pillow at Jaxns house and I could really use it or him. His hands was like magic when it came to massages. I felt like I was in mild pain, very crampy, but like a lot of pressure. My doctor said I might not make it to full term with the babies. I been under way to much stress carrying them. I swear the first 4 months was all good now that I'm 7 and a half months. I haven't been doing nothing but stressing after stressing after stressing.

I got up to go to the kitchen to get some water and a sharp shooting pain stroked across my stomach making me fall back to the bed.

I need you to come get Cam! I said into the phone as Murder answered.

Ight give me like an hour!

NO, JAXN NOW! I said sternly.

Ight, ight! I hung up the phone and went to my dresser to try and put on a sweat suit. By the time I could even get my clothes on he was at my house pulling into the driveway. I was in a lot of pain now.

I grabbed my purse and keys and met him at the door. "Lock my house when you leave!" I said out of breath as I was coming outside as he walked up the stairs.

Where you going?

That's nun your concern.

What's wrong, you okay?


I know you hate me Destiny I know I don't have a right to ask you a thing but you look tired, and in pain.

I'm fine I can handle it. If anything happens I will let you know.

Can I come?

No, I need you to watch Cam.

I can calm my moma.!

I'll call you! I said walking down the stairs and over to my car unlocking it. As I was walking I stopped in pain and I felt my pants wet. My water broke! I hurry up to the car before he saw. I got in and drove myself to the hospital. The admitted me so quick.

Okay mama bear I have good news and bad news. My doctor smiled coming into the room.

Can you stop my labor?

Unfortunately no, your water already broke! Which I'm concerned about cause the ultrasound shows your water had already broke and there isn't any fluids left around baby A. So if they aren't coming within the next couple hours we will have to prepare you for a C-Section.

A C-section?

Yes, if wait for a long time that can cause an infection and harm you and the babies. And baby B is under a lot distress right now.

So like this is it this is happening regardless?

Yes ma'am!
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes laying my head back. I was not prepared for this. "I'll let you get some rest. Is there anybody you like for me to call hun?"

No it's fine thank you! She smiled and nodded her head before walking out. I grabbed my phone to text Gina and let her know I was in labor. I wasn't going to text Jaxn until after the babies was here. I just wanted a peaceful labor.

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