Chapter 111

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Love is like a box of chocolates you never know what your going to get!


What are you cooking? Gina asked walking into the kitchen.

I'm putting the dressing in now. Did you bring the cakes and pies?

Yeah Chaz bringing them in now. Need help with anything?

Uhh no this was it. The last thing I had to make.

Okay, you okay?

Yeah I'm fine! I said forcing a smile on my face. Truthfully I wasn't. It was thanksgiving and my husband wasn't home with us to celebrate and eat and just be around family. Gina and Chaz was here. Nakala and her guy friend. My dad and his lady! Mama Wilson was here as well and all the kids. KC and his wife was on the way. Everybody had their partners except me. This was Cam's first thanksgiving and he wasn't here.

You know you don't have to pretend your fine all the time Des! You got us and you know he loves you.

I know Gina it's just that he should be here!

If he could he would! You know that!

I just hate that our last conversation we had a fight so he's probably isn't even going to call.

He just need a lil space it's the holiday time. Ya know...

Yeah I guess....I'm going to go upstairs and shower and change and stuff. Watch out for this for me.

Yeah sure I got you! She said as she stuck a fork in the greens. I rolled my eyes and went upstairs. I got undressed and went into the bathroom. My huge stomach was poking out and I couldn't even see my feet anymore. These twins was gonna have me big as a house. I kinda wanted to know what they was but I just refuse to find out without my husband beside me. It sucked going through all this and a potential divorce the first time. I feel like it's happening again!

I got in the shower and took a nice long hot shower. I washed my hair than my body. I had so much on my mind but I was so relaxed right now.

I got out and dried off. I still wasn't sure what I was gonna put on but I wanted to look nice and be comfortable. I left my hair big and curly and did my make up. I slipped on some dark brown leggings? A white shirt, with a light brown and white long flannel jacket shirt and my light brown ugg slippers.

I went to my baby room and got him up. He was getting so big. I enjoyed being a mom
So much. I wiped his face and body down and got him dressed. I put on his tan Milano sweat suit on him with a tan and white flannel shirt sweater and his Ugg slippers. I braided his hair yesterday and he looked so freaking cute. I put his Cuban C chain and charm on him and we went downstairs.

Nakala was taking the dressing out the over and putting it on the table as Gina and KC wife put the rest of the food on there. I was so happy they did it so I didn't have to.

The guys was watching the football game and drinking beer. My dads girlfriend and mama Wilson was talking and drinking wine. I loved having family time.

My phone started ringing and it was Jaxn. I grabbed it from the island and answered it quick.

"You have a prepaid call from "The Don" press 3 to accept this call!"
Hello! I smiled answering.

What's up baby!

We was just about to eat. How are you!?

Tell everybody I said what up! He said in the most saddest voice ever.

Y'all Jax said hey! I said loud enough that everybody could hear me. And they all said hey back.

What my son doing?

Crawling around playing with his toys.

How the twins treating you?

They are moving like crazy it's like they switch spots every other hour.

You got appointment coming up?

I rescheduled closer after your court date. I don't wanna find out what they are until you come home.

I'll be home soon Ight.

I know, and I'm sorry about the other day!

Nah baby don't apologize it's my fault. I'm just stressed out an shit and I didn't realize what I was saying to you. I know you just want me home and trust me I wanna be home. I love you.

I love you to baby!

Ima let you go Ight. I just called to see what y'all was doing and if everything is everything.

Yeah it's cool....

Ight, ima hit you tonight.

Okay baby I love you.!

I love you to Destiny! Kiss Cam for me to.

I will!
"The caller has hung up!" I sighed and sat my phone
Come and eat y'all! I yelled out picking my baby up
To go to the table. My dad said grace and than we all went around the table saying what we was greatful for.

I have the most amazing husband that I could ever ask for. He's so sweet and kind and thoughtful. He makes me feel like our life is a fairytale and we never want or need for anything. I'm so thankful he came into my life and showed me what real love is. I'm thankful for him providing a home for us to grow old in and to raise our beautiful children in. I'm thankful that he gave me my babies and I'm thankful I get to share a love like we have together and with our kids. And I'm always going to be thankful for all of you guys. This day wouldn't of happened if it wasn't for all of you. So thank you for being here with us. I love y'all! I smiled as we cheered and sat down and got ready to eat.

Family is everything!

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