Chapter 113

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The judge was finally ordering Jaxns DNA test. And every since that day he called me and told me that, the baby could possibly be his we haven't really talked and I felt like it was his. Mama Wilson told me that the baby looked like him. I didn't really see when she was at her house nor did I care.
My main focus is me and my children right now. I have a business to run on top of it all. I can't be worried about his drama right now. I gotta keep myself busy! Cause if not I'll explode.

Let's go in here! I told Gina as we walked past Chanel.

Oh yup cause another purse is calling my name. She said as her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. Chaz was giving her so much money everyday to just blow all because he got her pregnant again. Whoever said money can't buy happiness they was wrong!

I walked around the store looking around to see if it was anything that I really liked. Nothing was catching my eye to much. Honestly if it wasn't food it wasn't catching my eyes.

Surprise you can still afford to shop in here after that check I just got! I heard laughter on the side of me. I looked over and Janae was trying on the same pair of Chanel sneakers that I had in my hand.

What? I asked caught off guard.

Our baby daddy didn't tell you? She snickered standing up and walking to the mirror making her two friends laugh.

Here you go with this baby daddy shit!

I mean he is.... Come on don't be mad at me cause he cheated on you a couple days after y'all wedding! It's okay though cause that $700,000 dollar check that dropped into my account last week is lovely! 50k for each month that I was pregnant and 50K monthly for every month my son has been around. 50k until he's 21! She said so loud the whole entire store heard her.

Do we got a problem? Gina asked as she saw me walking towards me.

By the looks of it you must not seen the DNA test! She smirked. Her friend handed her, her purse and she took out a letter. "99.9% baby!" She smirked pushing the letter into my chest. "I'll take these and the other pair too!" She smiled so evil walking away as her friends laughed and the sales man followed behind them!"

I pulled the letter out the opened envelope. And my heart sunk into my chest. I bit the side of my lip and Gina snatched it from my hands. I sat in the chair next to me and I'm sure you could see all the disappointment on my face. I felt like crying. "Why? Was I not good enough or something? And why couldn't he tell me he was the father of her baby. This is dated for, a week ago he been had the test back and didn't say anything? He been took the test!"

Ah ah nah get the fuck up don't start nun that crying shit in here or asking yourself dumb questions! Them bitches is still looking you ain't gone let nobody see you sweat get up! Gina said sternly. I got up and we walked to the register she paid for her bag and we left the mall. By the time I reached the passenger seat of her truck I was balling my eyes out.

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