Chapter 10

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I woke up in murders arms. He fucked the frustration out of me last night. It was a lil forceful but once he realized what he was doing he switched it all up and was so gentle.

He was already woke just laying here. I turned and layed my head on his chest. I listened to his heart beat. He kissed my forehead and stroked my hair back. To only had just met someone I swear it feels like I've known him for so long.

You hungry? His deep voice asked as he began to sit up.

I could eat. I smiled. He stood up grabbing his boxers and putting them on than a pair of sweats. He gave me a robe and I put it on. His clothes smelt so good exactly like him I loved it bad.

He led me downstairs to the first floor and out to a balcony. The balcony had breakfast set up for us. I smiled so hard sitting next to him.

I don't know what you like so I had my chef make mad shit. I'd you don't want nun this I can have him make something different. real name is Jaxn and that's what I want you to call me!

Jaxn this is amazing thank you! I reached over and kissed him.

You welcome beautiful! He smiled. He sat back and I fixed my plate. I had eggs, bacon, sausage pancakes, home fries and some fruit on the side. The food was amazing. Every bite of everything tasted like Heaven. He poured me a mimosa to top everything off and I was in Heaven.

His phone started ringing so he stepped into the house and took the call. I was starting to fall in love. I took a picture of the entire table cause this was definitely a beautiful memory for me.

I'm sorry baby girl I got more business to take care of. After we done eating ima drop you back off at the hotel.

Okay! I said as I stuffed a pancake into my mouth. "Everything okay?"

Shìt not really! But it ain't nun for you to worry yo pretty little head about!"

I finished my food and I was full as fuck. I took a hot shower and he gave me some draws to put on and a t shirt. I was damn near swimming in his clothes. He thought that shit was funny as hell.

We walked to the truck and the house was even more beautiful in the day light. Hell the truck was to. He had a 2023 Kia truck. All black and dark ass tints and black rims. It was fire as fuck. He opened the door for me and I got in.

Where y'all staying at?


Ight, he turned some music on and I sat back putting my seat belt on. He flew down the driveway and on to the street. Getting to see the neighborhood in the day time was so beautiful all types of big huge houses. He had the biggest one on the block though.

I can't wait to have my own house like these! I smiled out the window.

What's stopping you? He asked turning down the music.

Money really! I mean I like my house in New York you know it's bought and everything I always wished I could move out here and live on the water nice huge house to raise a family in or something.

How much you think I payed for my house?

Umm i don't know.

2.5 million!

Excuse me?!!! 2.5 million! Nigga! You need a dog I can bark?! I said in shock making him laugh.

No but I do need a wife! He smiled lifting my chin up. I started to blush so hard I know I turned red. "But I invested into my other properties flipped them and bought this one. When I'm tired of the cold winter days in New York I come home!"

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