Chapter 28

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As another two days going by and coming in on day 3 I was actually getting worried. It'll be 5 days since i last heard from him. My messages wasn't delivering and all calls went to voicemail. I started thinking the absolute worst. I wanted to catch a flight but I wouldn't even be knowing where to go or where to start at looking for him. I just hope and prayed that he was okay. Kinda made myself made a little bit that if something did happen to him my last memory is me being a baby being mad at him.

I closed my lap top and went and took a shower for the night. I had ordered pizza so I was waiting on that to come.

I should of got the pasta too. I was so hungry. I haven't eatin all day, I was so busy in my work. I was trying to save and budget to get another group home started. This one would be for all boys. A lot of young man turn to the streets because they have no where to go or no guidance. Everything is just a repeated cycle.
And I see how well my work turned out with girls so it's only right I try with guys. Boys and men don't get enough mental health if any at all because they are taught that it's not right or it isn't okay to show and have emotion. But wether your male or female to non-binary your mental stability is what matters most.

I got out the shower and put my sleeping clothes. My pizza was delivered so I went to go get that. I turned my livingroom tv on and got straight in. I was obsessed with the Vampire diaries this was like my 3rd time watching all the seasons over again. I loved me some Damon Salvatore. He was so perfect and handsome his whole Ora was so attractive. Yeah I know I'm toxic! I just love toxic men.

I was completely invested into the series it was going on 4am and I haven't been to sleep yet. I turned the tv off and took the pizza into the kitchen and went upstairs to get into bed.

Soon as I started to fall deep into my sleep I heard glass break. I jumped up scared a bit I want sure if I was dreaming or someone was breaking into my house. I got up and grabbed my gun. I opened my bedroom door slowly and my heart started beating fast. I never had this happen to me before. Why the fuck didn't my alarm system go off. I went downstairs slowly and I turned the light on pointing my gun. I heard glass break again soon as I turned around I was grabbed and a cloth over my face.

I woke up with a huge head ach. My eyes opened and my vision became clear. I was completely naked tied up to a chair in my livingroom. Three guys in all black stood around me head to toe covered with guns. I started crying I felt violated as fuck.

Listen I don't wanna hurt you more than what we did....just tell us where Murda is and we'll let you live. The first guy said.

I don't know! I said through my tears.

If you lie this can get worse! He added.

I really don't know! He went out of town i don't kNow where to! I haven't heard from him in a week. I cried harder.

I feel like you lying! He said bending down to me.

I'm not lying. Look I have money in my safe, expensive jewelry designer bags y'all can have it all!

Don't worry we cleaned you out already! The other dude said laughing.

Now tell me where Murder is?! Or I will kill you! He said putting a gun to my head.

I don't know! You can check my phone I don't know.!

Where is it? He asked mad.

It's on my night stand in my room.

Go get her phone! He demanded and the other dude ran to go get it. He pressed the barrel of his gun harder on my temple. "If your lying your brains Will be all over to pretty white carpet Destiny!" He said angrily.

Here! The other dude gave him the phone sliding up and going to my call log. He tried to call Murder and it went to voicemail. He started going through my messages and seen that I was telling the truth. He threw my phone breaking it mad.
"We'll send him this message! D is taking over! Let's go, go head and hurry up!" He said to the boys before walking out.

Tell that nigga his bitch got some good pussy to, you taste real good I wouldn't mind coming back for seconds. The second guy said rubbing his fingers on my clit and than putting them in his mouth. My heart broke into a million pieces as those words left his mouth. They hurted more than them putting their hands on me. They beat me up to bad I could feel the blood leaking from my mouth and nose. Each punch to my body and face felt like death.

He tapped my mouth shut and I could barley see them leaving out the door.

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