Chapter 74

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Tell me you have good news for me Mariah! I said to my lawyer as I sat down in front of her.

So we had a meeting today with the judge I have sorta bad news and bad news!

Please don't tell me I can't get divorced!

Noo it's not that hun. Okay so the bad news is that the judge is sending you two, to marriage counseling and you guys have to endure 25 weeks of that. Than we have to settle out in family court first for the baby than we can recontinue with the divorce after all that is done.

What? How is any of that sorta bad news that's to long!

Well the sorta bad news is that the judge said if you was to do an annulment which I know you don't than he would grant it but than you wouldn't be able to get half the things you want. I told him that wasn't really an option for you but I'm good news he did grant you two legal separation.

This is stressing me out. I do not wanna go to no fuckin marriage counseling.

It could be good for the both of you though.

No it's not! I have nothing to say to that man. I don't wanna be around him at all. I rather just have my baby and coparent without any contact.

I know hun but you guys are newlyweds barley been married two weeks you can't just get a divorce that quick. The courts wanna see that you have worked through your problems first if anything.


Fuck!!!!! I yelled pissed off. After getting off the phone with my lawyer I got mad all over again. Destiny was really doing this. She really was trying to divorce me.

Why are you screaming and I'm trying to sleep boy! My mom said waking up a bit.

Mmmcht sorry ma!

What the fuck is your problem? I rather go back in a coma these past few days you been rude and nasty to people and acting crazy this is not you Jaxn now what is going on? She demanded to know. I just shook my head. "Is you gone talk?"

I had everything so perfect and I fucked it up!

What's going on son?

Destiny divorcing me!

What? Y'all just got married! What the hell you do?

I cheated.....

What? You bouta make my damn blood pressure go up and put me back into a coma! What the fuck!

Ma it wasn't intentional or anything it just happened Janae kissed me it led to other things next thing I know I'm at her house damn near every night for a week straight and fuckin! Destiny came to visit you and seen Janae sitting in my lap kissing me.!

Wow you are so dumb!


I thought Janae was a good girl for you because of the history y'all had but now I know she just a low down dirty dawg just like you! She knew you was in a serious relationship and married she knew! And she still Chose to sleep with you? Destiny is a gem! I know I didn't say it before and I wasn't feeling her but she is so precious and pure. Her heart is made of gold and you begged me to see that! You spoke so highly of her just for you to turn around and do her fuckin wrong? What kinda stupid are you? That girl loves your dirty ass draws and don't see nobody in this world but you. She changed you in ways you would never see. That girl loves the hell out of you. Why would you do that?

Ma I don't fuckin know it just happened I couldn't control myself.

She's having your baby you married her!

You don't think I know that! You yelling at me ain't gone change shit I did. I get it I fucked up! I fuckin fucked up and now I'm losing the only female that I ever cared about and ever cared about me.

You better fix it! That girl deserves better. Now I believe that girl that came to the wedding rehearsal.

I didn't even fuckin know her ma! Her bum ass fuckin friend Lola set us up for that shit. I never messed with another female while dealing with Destiny until now. I was thinking with my dick and not my fuckin head.
She won't even talk to me I don't know what to do.

She loves you she won't let you go without a fight so get to fighting.

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