Chapter 118

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On my mama you wasn't gone call me? A loud mouth Jaxn asked coming into the room pissed off. He had Gina right behind him.

I looked right past him and at her. "Why did you tell him?" I asked pissed off.

What you mean why she tell me? Your my fuckin wife and your in labor having our fuckin children! You don't think I should of known after you agreed to keep me updated?! He yelled so angrily.

I know you don't wanna hear it but that's fucked up Destiny! Gina spoke sitting on the couch.

It's fucked up? It's fucked up? WHATS FUCKED UP IS GOING THROUGH MY ENTIRE PREGNANCY ALONE AGAIN. It's fucked up that a Nigga don't even ask how his children are doing! It's fucked up that I been to almost every single appointment by my damn self. It's fucked up that I'm in this fucked up situation. It's fucked up that I'm completely vulnerable right now and all you still can do is think about your fuckin self! It's not about you, it's not about me, it's about these babies who are having a complete hard time coming into this world. So excuse the fuck out of me for being completely stressed out cause my husband cheated on me fathered a maybe baby, do not care, and stressed me the fuck out and all I fuckin wanted was to bring my babies into this world stress free with peace in case one of them didn't make it at least I knew it would of been peaceful. I yelled back at him.

You let this shit eat your fuckin brain yo! I'm fuckin sorry I can't keep saying it and I told you what it was last week Destiny. And in return you leave me tell me you out of love with me now this no you don't want peace you want control you want me to feel like shit every single chance you get. You wanna hurt me cause I hurt you!

ITS NOT ABOUT YOU! EVERYTHING ITS NOT ABOUT YOU! I wish I could put you through the pain you have put me through. Through any of this! From the leaving me the first time and going to jail for months, to the making me go through a pregnancy alone to the cheating, everything I want you to hurt like I hurted but not telling you my babies are coming was because I needed some type of stability and peace. Our children are facing so many difficulties which I've already said you so worried about you, you, you, you ain't even bother to ask what's wrong yet! I yelled at him getting up to get in his face. A serve pain strike my pelvis and down my leg making me almost fall. I held my stomach as him and Gina almost caught my fall.

Okay yall just chill out! Gina said helping me to stand back to my feet. The pain was so intense I felt like my body was going to just shut down. Blood and clear liquid rushed between my legs as I saw to faint in Jaxns arms.


Destiny? I called out as she fainted as we walked back to the bed. She was bleeding everywhere. Monitors started to go off like crazy.

I'll get a nurse! She began to cry running out the room.

Baby? Destiny? Wake up! I said shaking her a bit. I laid her on the bed and a team of nurses and doctors came in.

What happened? A nurse asked as her and a doctor began to check her vitals and stability.

We was arguing she got up and next thing you know she was about to fall from the pain than she just passed out!

She's not breathing! Another nurse said. All the lights flipped on and the room got so bright.

Mr. Wilson we'll need you to make a decision your wife or your children. The doctor asked as the began to break the bed down and everything was moving so fast. "Lena call the OR tell them prepare right now for an emergency C-Section!"

What's it going to be Mr. Wilson! She asked fast. Everything was moving so fast. Destiny had tubes in her mouth going down her throat. And they was rushing her bed out the room and monitors. And just that quick the room was empty and the sounds of everything replayed in my head back to back.

I was shocked I didn't know what to say or do in this moment. Gina cries was loud in the background of my head.

What did I do?

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