Chapter 119

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Mr. Wilson? A doctor called out walking into the room. Me and Gina both looked up. I stood up and his face said everything that needed to be said.

Is she okay?

Uhh your twins are born. Your son is fine but your daughter...

It's a boy and a girl?

Yes, because she was having complications during the birth. Your daughter is suffering from some breathing issues and heart racing fast. They are in the NICU as of now. You are able to see them!

And Destiny? Gina asked before I could.

Uhhh she was put in a medical induced emergency coma. She lost a lot of blood and is placed on a ventilator. Unfortunately she's suffering from a hemorrhage which causes a woman to bleed out during a delivery. Was your wife under any stress before she got here?

Yeah she was actually....

Look we'll do everything we can for her. My nurses will keep you updated.

Wait what you mean? Is she gonna did?

Most woman bounce back from something like this. Due to the extreme amount of stress she was put under it's a slight chance she could be messed up...we don't like to look at death as an option before we do we are going to make sure we help her in every way possible. He said as he placed his hand on my shoulder. I sat back down with the worst thoughts running in my head. I never would have thought that this would happen or could be an option.

Look it's gone be okay bro! Gina said sitting next to me.

It's all my fault. I put her under so much stress...all she wanted was a safe delivery and I fucked it up just like I fucked our marriage up and everything else.

You did not Jax...

Yes I did Gina! She told me she don't even love me anymore and that she been fell out of love with me. She took her wedding ring off and left me! This time was serious....she had that look in her eyes!

Jaxn you crazy as hell and if it's one thing I know for sure and two things I know for certain is that Destiny loves you. And when she loves, she loves hard! This is still very much new to her. You came in out of no where doing everything right by her and than you just disappeared and she's been enduring trauma every since. She's not easy to deal with I know that's my sister but trust me you make her so happy and she's so in love with you. She gave you three beautiful children that you also have to be strong for....

How? I can't even look them in they face right now knowing that me and them is the reason why she's in this position. I should of just stayed my ass home!

And miss the birth of your children? You already missed the pregnancy again might I add! Look I know y'all situation is fucked up but you not being here would of made everything worse. Destiny is just pissed at you right now and that's why she didn't want you here. She was pregnant and them hormones were everywhere and they are still
Going to be but I know for a fact she would of wanted you here. See with Destiny she the type of female you have to tell what it is and what it ain't put your foot down. She so use to being the alpha she ain't never have nobody like you come in and take her off her feet and be a real boyfriend or husband to her. She's always been the alpha and taking care of everybody else and telling what it is and what it ain't.

I get that but i been trying she so stubborn...

Not stubborn, hurt! Yo problem is and what you haven't done is put yo baby mama in her place. Des doesn't even feel secure that's another reason why she may feel like "she isn't in love" anymore. You know how many times she done said some foul shit to Destiny trying to embarrass her?

I told her I would file for full custody...

And make her raise a baby from another woman that you cheated on her with, like be for real bro do that shit even make sense. A constant reminder everyday that you stepped out on her. A constant reminder that you don't love her.

I never not loved her, I fucked up it was a mistake what else am I suppose to do? I apologized so many times like I can't win and she hates me.

You'll figure it out if you want your wife and family back. But for now let's go meet the babies maybe that'll put something smart in your head.

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