Chapter 115

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Yeah bra ima cancel that and pick it up in the morning! I said into the phone. I had to pick something up for Destiny just to show my appreciation to her. She had something wrong with her and I could tell she wasn't herself, I thought she would of been happy to see me.

Okay I'll hold it for you just call me when you on the way.

Ight thanks! I hung up the phone and turned the car off getting out. I unlocked the door going back in the house. It felt good to be walking through the doors of my home. I put the keys back on the table and jogged upstairs. My lil man was sound asleep still and Des was laying down half woke, half sleep. I went into my closet to take my stuff off. I know ima be knocked out tonight finally sleeping in my bed again. I swear jail will fuck you up. Hard cold metal and flat ass pillow tops.

You woke? I asked her knowing that she damn near was still but she didn't answer. "I'm not really sure what's going on with you I just know you seem off as fuck. Whatever's bothering you just know I'm here for you and I love you and whenever you wanna talk if you wanna talk I'm here. I had to go pick you something up but I just felt like I should of been home with you instead...." I said to her as I stroked her hair back out her face. "I love you Des and thank you!" I leaned in and kissed her cheek.



I didn't sleep much. Destiny didn't bother to turn to me or cuddle up under me as if she would have any other night.

It bothered me that something was bothering her. I hope when she sees what I got her it makes her smile.

I pulled out the eggs, steak, and pancake mix. I was gonna cook breakfast this morning. I was tired as fuck of eating that jail food.

I grabbed my son putting him in his chair. My baby was so happy and excited to see me. I missed his ass so bad. I made him some pancakes and gave him a small thing of bananas cut up.

GoodMorning! I spoke with a smile as Destiny came into the kitchen.

She nodded her head with a smile so small you wouldn't even think it was a smile. "Hi CamJam!"
She smiled widely as she went over to him. He gave her the same energy back kicking his feet and smiling hard.

Did you see your gifts? I asked licking my lips.

Yeah, thanks! She said as she walked to the fridge and grabbed a protein shake.

You.....don't like them or something? I asked confused. She's been talking about how she wanted this chain for, forever and this white fur jacket coat with the matching headband and white moon boots. Plus I got her some roses and a matching white fur Prada purse to match the coat and shit!

I like it, I said thank you!

I'm making steak, eggs, and pancakes! You wanna drink that?

Actually I was going to grab something from Starbucks I have an appointment. No thank you!

What kinda appointment?

For the twins. Gonna find out what they are.!

I thought you wanted to wait on that until I came home?

Yeah well I didn't think you was coming home any time soon.

You know i was coming home...

Well no I didn't! It's not like you called everyday?plus i did my last pregnancy alone this one ain't no different! You want me to take him with me or you can watch him. I know you so eager to get back to the streets.!

Ight what the fuck is the matter with you? I asked getting mad. She was pissing me off with all this slick shit she was talking.

Ain't nun wrong with me!

Clearly the fuck it is! You bouta piss me off!

I'm bouta piss you off?

Yeah you is!

It's funny you say that cause you really pissed me off. She went over to the island where her purse was and grabbed a small white envelope opening it and slapping it on the island in front of me. "When was you gonna tell me about this Jaxn?!"she yelled. I could tell this Shìt was eating her up the way she said that. I looked down at the paper and it was a copy of the DNA test. "Or the 700,000 taking out of our joint account and the 50K the scheduled to
Come out very fuckin month for your fuckin SON!" She yelled at me.

Destiny I can....

Can what? Explain? I don't wanna hear shit! You should of been told me what was up but I stead a bitch can come up in my face and throw this shit at me like she won the Nobel prize award and I don't know a fuckin thing about it! As your wife I should of found out the second you found out instead I gotta find out in the middle of Chanel where everybody can hear how my husband cheated on me 2 WEEKS AFTER BEING MARRIED AND FATHERED ANOTHER BITCH BABY! She screamed to the top of her lungs and as tears coming down her face. If saying I felt like shit right now was an understatement it was!

I wanted to be the one to tell you not from a fuckin jail cell. I fucked up and I admitted to all of my wrongs and all I ever wanted to do was make it right....that's why ima file for full custody of him.

Excuse you? Nigga what! You think you gone cheat on me, make a baby on me than have me raise it! Cause let's face it you run the streets more than you help with Cam! Your not even here for the twins take for granted that they not here. So you think
You gone run the streets if you had custody of him. Do it look like ima stupid bitch to you. Jaxn you must be getting high on yo own shit!

Than what else can I do? Im sorry I can't take this shit back I can't change nun this shit!

I don't know what to tell you but I can't do this, I can't! You betrayed me.....and I would of stuck around and been by yo side but the fact is you didn't even tell me! You left me to get embarrassed. I never felt so fuckin stupid in my entire fuckin life! She spoke and the way her words left her mouth overwhelmed me with guilt and disappointment. She walked away from me with nothing but hurt.

FUCK! I yelled pisses off slapping the pancake mix off the counter it went flying everywhere. It scared Cam and he started crying. "Im sorry dada man!" I sighed picking him up to comfort him. I lost my wife yet again behind all this shit!

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