Chapter 32

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I sat on my window seal watching as the heavy rain came down. I felt like my life was ruined. I haven't been back to work in weeks, I was so depressed I didn't even bother to brush or comb my hair. I didn't really eat or drink anything and I felt like my hair was falling apart. Every single little noise in this house scared the hell out of me I couldn't even think straight.

Des?! Gina called out to me coming in my room. "Destiny!" You have to get out this room. "Come on I need my sister!" She said trying not to cry. I know I was effecting other people around me but I just didn't know how to get out of my head or my depression.

This isn't good for you Destiny! Your making yourself go crazy by not continuing to live your life. Your just in here crying and drowning in sorrow. This isn't you!

I didn't bother to look at her my tears just rolled down my face. I didn't know what to do.

Your so strong! You got this! Des you are the strongest person I know you gotta fight this!

HOW? Gina how!? My life is ruined I can't even walk around my house and feel okay. I'm hurting! I feel ugly as fuck. I have bruises all over my body still that just reminds me of the pay i went through! Look at my face! It still hurts to touch! My body feels different. My hair is coming out! I can't even breathe right! I'm stuck inside my head and it's filled with what ifs. I can only sleep during the day. I have no clothes, my stuff is gone, everything I worked so hard for and to save up for is just takin from me.

Your beautiful Destiny. Pain heals! Over these past few weeks look how much these bruises is starting to lighten up they are almost gone. Des your beautiful! Okay you have a few scratches your black eye is gone! Everyday you choose to get up and fight is a step closer to healing. You can't stay in this room and expect yourself to just get over it. I get it your scared but life moves on and you need to get it together so you can move on. Your attackers aren't going to win this because your going to heal and be okay!

I just can't Gina!

Yes you can! Please for me...if not for me your god child!

Don't do that!

I'm scared that your going to do something to yourself Destiny! And my baby will never meet you and know how much of an amazing person you are. She started crying and it made me cry harder. "I need you!" Her words hit me so hard and my tears fell hard.

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