Chapter 97

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I finished getting dress than I went and got my sleeping baby dress. He was still so tiny so he didn't fit much. But he had this cut ole Gucci set I wanted him to wear and he could finally fit it. I changed him than go him dress. If you think I play dress up with my baby now oh just wait until I have a daughter!

I put him in his car seat and got his diaper bag ready. He was so mad he just got woken up. He was just like his daddy! We made our way downstairs and I grabbed a few bottles. I had a feeling we was going to be out all day. I loved car shopping, I hated house shopping! It just took to long.

Where you going? Murder asked coming upstairs from the basement.

With me to find a house and car. Leira smiled hard.

Where you going bae?

With her to find a house and car! I laughed cause he was showing that he did not like Leira.

Ight, ima be home late don't wait up for me.

Where you going?

To handle that Nigga from yesterday! In fact I ain't even ask you how did the whole thing go down?

Well he was with his mama talking and laughing I don't know if they was drunk or high or what but he bumped into me the first time I ain't say nun I just moved back some. The second time he did it harder made me drop my phone just to rowdie and laughing an shit. I told him he bumped me and to pick my stuff up. He said no called me a bitch I said yeah okay I got yo bitch pick my shit up he gone say y'all stuck up bitches always think somebody owe y'all something I ain't doing shit. That's when I told the girls behind the counter to go get my husband and KC walked in asked was everything okay and he said he would off me and that's when you came in.

Ight bet! I'll see you later! He kissed me than grabbed his keys and picked the baby car seat up and carried him outside for me as we followed him. I buckled my baby into the backseat nice and secure. I got in on the driver side and fixed myself.

He really don't play about you huh! Leira asked with a slight smile.

Who? Murder?


Hell naw he don't, he'll end the world if he had to!

That's cold! I can't wait to find a man like that!

Trust me it ain't always been peaches and cream we went through a lot to get here but it's the love that makes it so strong.

He cheated on you didn't he? All niggas cheat!

Ima keep it real, He did once but once he seen how his family was way more important and I could turn his world upside down in a split second he fixed it and learned his lesson real quick. I probably mean more to him than I would ever in my life know. I'm his Queen and he's going to protect me by any means necessary.

What made you get with him?

We met at a club one night a couple years back and for some reason the Nigga was just saying all the right shit and we ended up going home together which I was thinking was gone be on some one night stand shit I haven't had dick in god knows how long and I just wanted to fuck. Well that one night turned into another night which turned into another night next thing I know we damn near locked in and feelings involved like everything happened so fast and I caught myself falling in love with him and he did to. He didn't start off showing me his street side he gave me this side of him nobody gets to see. He let me love him unconditionally and with purpose. I take care of him and I hold him to a high standard. I cherish his mind, body and soul! I feed him intellectually not just sexually. That's why he's so in love with me. And he does the same for me! Love isn't about the money or houses and cars it's way much more than that. He knows if he lost it all today I'll still be right by his side tomorrow putting the pieces together for him.

You talk so highly of him!

Because he's a king and I don't view him no other way! That's why I will flip this world upside down over that man.

As you should! If my next man not coming how he is than I don't want him!

You'll definitely find someone like him, there's somebody for everybody!

I don't know not me.... I just feel like I'm not ment to be in a relationship right now.

Well if you feel like that 9/10 your not. Work on yourself first and let the love come to you! Worry about getting this house and car in order and everything else will follow.

You right! Thanks cous!

You welcome boo, now let's get in here and find you a nice car! I said excitedly.

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