Chapter 79

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I walked into work but nobody was here. That was really unusual. I went into my office to sit my things down and than went to the cafeteria so I can grab something to eat. Little baby was moving like crazy. When I opened the door I jumped at the sight of everything.

Surprise!!!!!!! Everybody screamed. My staff and the girls was giving me a surprise baby shower. I started crying instantly as they all came over to me.

I know you didn't want one but you needed to have one! And I wasn't gone let you have one. Gina smiled so hard hugging me. I hugged my sister and cried. I was in such awe. They had a beautiful safari themed baby shower going. The whole entire cafeteria was decorated so beautifully like someone came in and did professionally.

This is amazing thank you everyone! I smiled hugging everybody.

Mrs. Wilson we are so happy for you, you deserve this your like a great mom/ big sisterly figure to us so on behalf of myself and all the girls we just wanna say thank you! Without you nun of us would be doing great in life. Because of you we have houses to call our own and cars to drive and so much more. Importantly a chance at life. So on the behalf of all of us we would like to say congratulations and welcome to motherhood. You'll be a great mom and I know you'll have a handsome baby boy! Kela smiled giving me the huge gift bag.

Kela this means a lot thank you to you and the rest of the ladies I love yall! I said hugging her. Kela was like my problem child. It was so hard to break her in at first but she is the most sweetest girl ever.

Open it! Nina smiled hard.

Okay, okay! I sat the bag down on the table and opened it. It was a black and gray Hermes baby bag. I was in complete shock. "I love it oh my god girls you shouldn't have!" I started to cry cause this was so nice. I gave them all hugs again and wiped my tears.

Cry babyyyy! Gina laughed.

Go to hell Gina! I laughed.

This was the most beautifulest thing I have ever experienced. They had catered breakfast food and lunch food. Drinks and games. Gina put everything together and paid for it all. My BestFriend my sister was always gonna make sure she went above and beyond to make me happy. I was so thankful for her.
All morning I was in tears and happiness being surrounded by so much love this is exactly what I needed in my life.

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