Chapter 61

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Go away there is nothing she wanna talk to you about! Nakala said answering the door.

Kala open the door! Murders voice said in the most saddest tone he had.

Nigga no! You was cheating on my sister and thought you was gone marry her naw! Right idea wrong bitch!

I didn't cheat on her.

Well ya side bitch says other wise!

I don't fuckin know that girl!

Yeah okay bye Murder.!

Why am I even explaining anything to you, open the door please before I kick this muthafucka in.

Murder you need to leave! She closed the door in his face and I could hear him breaking down in the hallway.

I swear to god ima tear that bitch up when I see her! Gina said livid pacing back and fourth.

It's just crazy to me that somebody would fly to a whole mother country to ruin someone's wedding this could of been done back at home to avoid all this money being spent and everything I trusted him. I loved him.

And he loved you to that's one thing I'll give him credit for. Nakala said eating some candy.

You can't cheat and love somebody that's not how that works. I wiped my tears cause I was really heartbroken.  "Y'all I just wanna be a lone right now please!"

No you don't need to! Gina said wiping my tears.

Yes I do y'all please! I begged.

Look we'll be right down the hall if you need us but you really don't need to be alone Destiny! Nakala explained hugging me.

They walked out the door and I locked it as Murder was coming back down the hall. He knocked on the door and knocked.

Destiny I know you can hear me! I love you baby! I promise on my life I would never hurt you like that. I didn't mean to put my hands on you. I'm sorry I just snapped I don't know how to control my feelings or my anger. I'm not using that as an excuse at all but I'm sorry. You mean the world to me baby. I know you don't believe me right now but I don't know that girl I never seen her or met her in my life before. That's the honest to god truth baby I'll do anything to prove it to you. He said through the door. Apart of me wanted to believe him that he didn't know her or wasn't messing with her but I wasn't over the fact that somebody would fly to another country, just to stop you from marrying someone if y'all wasn't messing around? How did she know where our venue was? Like so many things isn't adding up.

Destiny I can't lose you! His voice was so sad and raspy. I fell to the floor holding myself as tears kept coming down my face.

I always think about that first night we met. The moment you stepped out the car my eyes was glued to you. I didn't think you was cute or sexy but beautiful! Your Beauty was the first thing that caught my attention. The way you carried yourself you just radiated confidence.! I just knew I was gone take you home with me that night. Yo voice was calming and cute. It made me instantly smile. You was saying all the right shit that night and all I could do was laugh to myself and say "she think she got game!" After you left my house that morning your scent stuck around for days. You didn't just fuck me that night you fucked my mind and I fell in love with that. And after learning more about you every day I just fell deeper and deeper with you. Your the most kindest, loving, unproblematic person I have ever met, your heart is so pure. You deserve so much in this world and I wanted to be the one to give it to you. I never in my life met anybody that could change the way I love or even think for that matter. I never wanted kids but you made me wanna be the best man I can ever be to you so I can be a even amazing father to our child. I pray that god changed my ways so I can be on this earth a long time for the both of y'all. I don't want my baby to grow up without me in his or her life. I don't want you to be just my baby mother. We created this baby out of love, I never thought I'd be able to say that but I love you I wanna marry you I want you to be my wife Des! And I mean it!
And I'll be right here when you ready to talk to me!

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