Chapter 70

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I grabbed the condom out my wallet and slid it on. I bent Janae over the sink and fucked her. I forgot how good her pussy was. For the last year and a half I only been fuckin Destiny! I went to fuckin any and everyone to only one person. I was never a faithful Nigga but she made me wanna do right by her. I don't even know what I'm doing right now. I let a bitch get the best of me.

Fuck baby, Daddy I love you! She moaned out as I fucked her. I slid deeper in her fuckin her harder knocking her shit down.

I came after her. I flushed the condom down the toilet and wiped my dick off.

This can't happen again!

Why not? What she don't know won't hurt her. Plus do you really want her to go through any type of pain while she's pregnant.

Not one word of this Janae I'm serious.

Well can I see you again tonight at least?

I gotta go!


I finished getting dress and grabbed my purse. It was 9am and Jaxn didn't come home last night. I grabbed my phone to call him again but it just went to voicemail. That was weird. I grabbed my tea from the counter and left to get in my car. I had a doctors appointment today! What will this baby be a he or a she! Even though I already know it's gone be a baby boy. I was so excited and ready to shop and just go all out.

Seeing my baby on the screen every time makes me so emotional. The baby was moving all over the place and I literally could feel it.

You see that right there! She said pointing to the screen.

It's a boy!!!! I screamed in excitement! I started crying so bad. "It's a boy!" She said smiling hard. I fanned my eyes so I wouldn't mess my make up, up!! "I'm having a baby boy!"' I cried. I was so happy and excited I wasn't even mad that Jaxn was missing this moment right now.

I got set up for my next appointment and got ready to leave when I got in the car I called Jaxn but he didn't answer. What is going on with him?!

I went straight to Target and bought every single cute little baby boy onesie I could find. I hated how they selections for boys was so terrible but it's okay cause daddy was going to take mommy shopping for missing this appointment. I left Target and went to Marshalls. They had so much cute stuff. I grabbed all the Nike socks, baby Nike onesies, baby Nike techs, some adidas ones and all. I definitely had that first time parent syndrome. I was just so excited. I had my husband and my son!

I brought the bags in the house and I was completely wiped out. I didn't even think I bought so much stuff but I did.

Miss Carr can you take this stuff upstairs for me I am hurting! I asked the maid frowning in pain. I definitely over did it. I went up to my bedroom and took all my stuff off. A bitch couldn't even walk up the stairs without getting out of breath. I ran my bath water in the jacuzzi and turned the jets on. I need to go treat myself to a massage. Maybe I'll ask my sisters do they want one tomorrow and treat them to one and lunch.

I got out the bath and dried off and put some lotion on before putting on a bra and some panties. I climbed into bed cause i needed a nap. I grabbed my sonogram pictures looking at them I can't believe I was having a son!

I woke up to soft kisses on my cheek and lips. It was going on 6 in the evening. I opened my eyes to see Jaxn over me. "Where, we're you today?"

I was tied up a bit.

You missed our sons appointment!

Fuckkkk was that today!

Yeah it was and you didn't come home last night are you okay?

Yeah baby I'm fine I just been caught up with this shit with my mom and shit I'm sorry I just lost it a bit.

Whatever Jaxn.!

You mad at me!

Uhhh yeah! This was important not just to me but for you and most importantly our child! Your missing the important moments in our pregnancy and I don't like that at all.

I'm sorry baby I promise it won't happen again.

Here! I grabbed the sonogram and passed it to him.

It's a boy?

Yes! I said point to the one showing us with his legs open.

Damn he take after his daddy! He laughed. I can't believe it we having a boy! You called it right out too! Damn baby I'm sorry I wasn't there.

He was moving so much to all on the screen!


Yeah! I can feel him moving now.

When why you ain't tell me?!

I first felt him move during the wedding and than I really felt it on the way back here. My doctor said in a couple weeks we should be able to feel him outside the womb.

I can't wait! He kissed me than kissed my stomach. "I love y'all!"

You saying that cause you in trouble.

Just a little but I do mean it, I love y'all!

I leaned in and kissed him some
More. "We love you more daddy!" I smiled and he hugged me.

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