Chapter 109

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Days was turning into weeks and weeks done turned into a month and a half now. The judge that Murder had for court was literally a BITCH! And all for the mom. She pushed his court date all the way to That second Monday in December. He was missing his son first thanksgiving and the way things was looking probably Christmas.
I was so upset at how everything was playing out. When I got upset it just made him even more angrier. He hasn't even bothered to call home cause he's so fucked up inside. And he doesn't want me to visit him while he's in there, everything was just all bad! Our accounts was still frozen. Not that I cared cause trust and believe we had money but it was the principle of the whole thing.

I was trying to raise a baby and had two more on the way I was insane for doing this three kids under 2 is insane!

Gina was just as big as me and attitude so nasty even though I know for a fact that she would be to help me in a hurry I didn't wanna call though. I just wanted my husband home. This was really starting to depress me.

I got up and went to go get my baby and brought him to our room. Cam was getting so big. It's like these past few months we was having so much fun and it was so much love going around us 3 that we was just enjoying each other than it was just stolen from us.

It hurted knowing that he cheated on me and could possibly father someone else's child but I had to keep it together for the sake of myself, him, and our children.

I grabbed my ringing phone and answered for my husband. "Hello?!"

What's up? He asked. He didn't sound like his normal self, he was so tired and drained it sounded like.

Nothing much baby, how are you?

I'm Ight same as always. You straight?

Yeah I'm fine. Haven't heard from you in a while.

Yeah I know....this shit just takin me through the emotions I'm sorry.

I know baby but you can't let it get to the best of you.

You think I'm not? Destiny this shit is stressful as fuck. I'm losing my fuckin mind behind this shit. I wouldn't even be mad if it was behind some shit like I actually did or something feel me? It's behind a bum ass bitch and a fuckin baby that ain't mine. Im pissed!

I know you are and everything is going to work it's self out.

When? Im missing mad shit I got work To do! I got plays to make I got money that needs to be made and I can't even move right now! Im pissed this bitch stopped my whole life over a one time fuck!

Jaxn I know that you so worried about the money your going to miss your son first thanksgiving and his bottom two teeth coming up. It's not about what's out there but what you have at home. Im doing a whole nother pregnancy by myself! This is tough on me not having you here. And your thinking about the str....

Des I didn't mean it like that....y'all all I think about and I just feel like I'm letting you down.
(He just pissed me off so I stayed quiet! I really didn't have shit to say after that.) "Des come on don't be mad at me!"

What you mean don't be mad at you. It's always you talking about being outside and how you should be doing this play or that play. You be so worried about that but don't ask about how your son doing! And than you call once a week Damn near if that! And that's what he on your mind instead of your family.! I yelled at him through the phone. I was mad and emotional right now.

You know I give a fuck about y'all. Y'all mean everything to me that shit makes me fuckin depressed hearing about my son knowing I'm missing out on so much shit! He yelled back at me. "I ain't call to argu with you, you said you good Ight I'll call you in a couple days!"

A couple days? You think you can just run from me when we having a fuckin conversation!

This is not a conversation it's turning into a fuckin argument and I'm not doing this shit with you. This shit already got me mad and depressed you suppose to be my peace not adding to it. I vowed to you I'd never argu or put my hands on you I'll walk away before I do any of that Shìt and that's what the fuck I'm doing.

Whatever Jaxn fuck you!

Destiny you gone make me fuckin smack you.! Go do something cause you passing me off. Enjoy yo fuckin night! He yelled sternly and mad before hanging up the phone.

He had me so mad. I turned my phone off and threw it on the bed. I went to the bathroom to run me a nice hot bubble bath in the jacuzzi tub. Ima get myself all mad and worked up for nothing!

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