Chapter : 180 Even When The Pawn Becomes A King, It's Still Just A Playing Piece

Start from the beginning

Javier placed his face in his hands a moment before he looked back up, "Gender finalizing?"

Doctor V nodded, "Yes. Chéri was more visually male, but has a single ovary, among other internal female attributes. Dolores then flew back here to Spain, and sought me out as a specialist."

Javier ran his hand through his hair, "When I arrived.. I thought Chéri was a fourteen year old girl. Looked like a girl..sounded like a girl.."

"At the time, Chéri was. When she was little, she chose a female adolescent path, along with hormones and therapy. Dolores wanted what was best for Chéri, so she decided to go along with how Chéri felt."

Javier blinked a few times as he tried to process that.

Dr.V nodded his head slowly in response.

"Cheri is neither sex..?" Javier asked, completely confused.

"Neither and both, but can not fully function as one or the other. But to look at Chéri back then, it would be impossible to tell except for how he presented, and he was presenting female." Dr.V confirmed.

"So... what happened with the boss? How does he figure into this mess? What on earth did Chéri do?!" Javier asked.

Dr.V looked uncomfortable as he shifted his position on the stool, "When Marcel joined the founders, and started to build the structure, system and rules of what would become the foundation of the Bordello, it was easy to see that Chéri was falling in love with him. Over time, I believe that they fell in love, but Marcel is such a cold man, so it is hard to tell."

Javier looked over at the doctor, "Anyone would be cold to a fourteen year old."

"Yes. Marcel is man of strong principals, and is also not a man given to perversion no-matter how much Chéri tried to persuade him otherwise, so Marcel told Chéri to wait until she was sixteen, and that if she was still interested in him when she came of age, they would see what the landscape looked like then. But, Chéri was desperately in love with Marcel and chose not to tell him the truth, even though Dolores counciled Chéri strongly against pursuing him as she knew Marcel was a heterosexual."

Javier rubbed his forehead as he felt a tension headache starting to take hold.

"Chéri thought it was all a game, and always only thought about what Chéri wanted at the time. I would always feel pang of dread every time Chéri would take his arm, or tell him something sweet before throwing a knowing smile to his mother, or me…" Dr.V said as he looked into the distance.

Javier put his face in his hands as all the extra lights flickered on around them, "Christ…." he mumbled.

"Ahh.. the lights…" Dr.V said as he looked around, "I wonder what that means.."

Javier looked up to the lights come on in the corridors, "I didn't really know Marcel at the time. But, now I understand what that massive fight on Chéri's sixteenth birthday, in his room was all about." Javier said with disgust.

Dr.V nodded and then sighed, "Yes. Chéri had called Marcel up to his room. I can only imagine Marcel's horror at finding out that this girl who had his favour, was anatomically more male. I heard that Chéri just laughed…. he thought it was quite funny. Marcel then just attacked Chéri, and was going to kill him."

"Yeah I remember. I just heard Chéri screaming his…her…whatever's head off. I came into the room to find the Boss strangling Chéri, who had turned a bit blue. It took all of us to get him off Chéri. I now know why Chéri was giggling so much at the time." Javier said.

Dr.V nodded, "Madam Dolores promised Marcel anything he wanted, if he would stay. At first he refused everything, because he felt that Chéri had gained access and affection from him by subterfuge and felt disgusted by it. In a way, Chéri had created, and then murdered the girl he loved. It was decided that Chéri must leave the Bordello for a while for his own safety, so he went to England to spend some time with his useless father, while we all tried to calm Marcel down, a process that took many weeks, during that time Marcel had some kind of epiphany." Dr.V said.

For The Love Of Chéri (CHAPTERS 1-112 REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now