Chapter : 180 Even When The Pawn Becomes A King, It's Still Just A Playing Piece

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Javier continued to walk up the hall, shaking his head at Lorenzo's behaviour.

Eventually, up ahead he could see the infirmary, which he was surprised to see was lit. This was done by a separate backup generator, in case there was a major power cut during a surgical procedure. Javier looked around cautiously as he entered the corner walkway into the room. He turned the corner and froze as he saw Dr. Varennikov sitting on a stool, looking towards the door with a determined look on his face.

"Doctor... are you alright?" Javier asked, as he slowly took a seat on a stool, exhausted but relieved.

"You, are not the man I was expecting." Dr.V said in his thick Russian accent.

Javier looked up to him, "What do you mean?" He asked as he grabbed a small bottle of water from the side and drank it down quickly.

"I expect that I am on Marcel's execution list." Dr.V said.

Javier shook his head in disbelief, "Why? I don't even know that he has a list. In fact, I bumped into Marcel in a dark corridor.. "

Dr.V leant forward intrigued, "Did you now..? Why did he not murder you?"

Javier slowly shook his head, "I... I don't know. I saw him in the far end of the corridor. I could barely make him out against the darkness, but I could tell he was standing perfectly still."

"Did you draw your weapon?" Dr.V asked.

Javier slowly shook his head again and spoke hesitantly, "At the time.. I had no reason to. I've interacted with that man for years. I've weathered every season of his moods. Granted though. Sometimes, it seemed like I experienced all four seasons within a twenty-four hour period."

Dr.V slowly nodded, "Maybe, that is what saved you. Alas, I feel I will have no such reprieve."

Javier undid his collar due to the heat of the room, "Why do you say that?" He added as he pulled the security band off his arm, "Why would Marcel come after you, when he didn't kill me..?"

Dr.V closed his eyes and shook his head as he mumbled something in Russian, "Because, I was party to a destructive secret in just the performance of my work. He holds me accountable as well."

"I.. don't understand, doctor." Javier said, starting to look very concerned, "What is so bad that has caused all this?"

"Chéri..." Dr.V mouthed quietly.

Javier's face fell, "Why does everything come back to that guy. What, on earth... has Chéri done this time..?"

"It no longer matters if you know I suppose. He has gravely insulted Marcel, and compounded it with a web of lies, rumours and threats. But, privilege breeds entitlement. " Dr.V said.

Javier bowed his head slightly as he listened, "Insulted? How? Chéri insults everyone! He's just a spoilt boy."

"That, Chéri is certainly not.." Dr.V said.

"He's not spoilt?!" Javier said as he looked down at his hands, almost with a bit of humour at their dire situation.

"No, Chéri is not a boy." Dr.V replied.

Javier slowly looked up at the doctor, "Excuse me...?"

"Chéri, is a beautiful, natural hermaphrodite. Almost completely androgynous on the outside. Born inter-sexed, and with a low life expectancy." Dr.V said.

Javier just stared back, in total shock as the doctor continued.

"When Chéri was born, Dolores was beside herself with the reality that her youngest baby would die even younger without life saving surgery, that she could not afford at the time. However, because Chéri's father was a British national, she flew to the U.K to have the lifesaving operations, all free on their national health. But the Doctors kept pressing her to have gender finalizing operations, and she refused. She wanted her baby to choose their gender, and she gave the baby the sexually ambiguous name of 'Chéri'."

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