Chapter 45 : Suzanne And Lennon, Sittin' In A Tree..

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Lennon continued his recovery over the next few days at the personal area of the infirmary with its private living quarters.

He lived next door to Suzanne, who Kenzo said had been exiled there so she didn't get bullied by Marcel and his acolytes.

Later that evening. Lennon arrived back at the private compound entrance and headed for his personal room. He was whistling whilst carrying a large paper shopping bag, and another small bag wrapped up in plastic.

He bumped into Edonia, the older lady housekeeper of the small building he now lived in for a few days. She doted on Lennon and loved having him around, and he would take out the trash for her and do any odd jobs she needed around the private compound, including painting the door for her and cleaning and recoating the weathered wooden decking on the lawn.

"Bonjour Lennon!"

"Bonjour à toi! Comment Allen-vous, darlin'?" Lennon replied warmly.

"Très bien! Restez-vous à la maison?" she asked.

Lennon smiled. "Non, je vais rester quelques instants puis repartir."

"Ok mon ami, amusez-vous." she said smiling as she saw Lennon blow her a kiss, before rummaging for his keys.

He saw Suzanne in the hall. "Hey, darlin'! I got something for ya." he said as he opened his door.

She followed him in and noticed various parts of him were wrapped in Clingfilm, like around his neck and in various places. "Lenn, what have you been up to?"

Lennon smiled. "I felt like some new ink, and a few piercings, so I got em."

"Oh my God! What did you get?!" she said excitedly.

"I got more ink on my neck, arms, fingers, upper chest and right thigh. I got two small flesh holes in my ears, a small ring in my nose, my bottom lip done, my left nipple pierced and my tongue." He said as he opened his mouth and flashed his tongue piercing.

"Oh my God, Wonda! You're officially a pin cushion. I love how alternative you are. " Suzanne said.

"Thought you'd like it." He said casually as he emptied his food shopping onto the side."

"Okay, show me what you had done."

Lennon opened his shirt and showed her the writing across his neck, hands, and other locations.

"Just wow. The weird thing is, it suits you." she said as she looked at the word 'Lost' on his fingers. "Only thing is, they're starting to look like prison tatts. You look like you're into all kinds of violent or kinky stuff." Suzanne said.

"Haha! Not you as well! Everyone says that!" Lennon said before laughing.

"Cause you are, aren't you?"

"Nah! To me, I'm very normal." Lennon said.

"Not according to Chéri. He says you're really weird and are into all kinds of things." Suzanne said.

"Yeah, trust Chéri. He's got some weird taste."

"So you're both weirdos?" Suzanne asked.

"Apparently, Yes."

"Congratulations! I'd like to meet a perfect match for myself." Suzanne said.

Thank you, want me to fix you a drink?" Lennon asked.

"A drink being a choice of the only things you can make? Being coffee, whiskey, pouring out cola and a Dirty Martini?" Suzanne asked.

Lennon smiled. "Mmm, pretty much."

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