Chapter 92 : Doesn't Anyone Answer The Fucking Door Anymore...

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Chéri was in the bathroom getting changed. Lennon called Suzanne's phone and it went to voicemail, so he hung up and called again, and that went to voicemail too. He hung up again and recalled, finally she answered the call silently.

"Suzanne, why have you been avoiding me? Not responding to my texts and pictures?! Why are you doing this to me?" Lennon asked.

There was silence a moment before she spoke. "I want to know what the nature of your relationship with Serena is."

"Honey, it's, it's just one-sided, it's not a thing." Lennon said.

Suzanne interrupted him. "You think she's beautiful because she's a female Chéri! You're so shallow and you're such a sell-out."

"How am I a sell-out? I'm stuck in a tough situation. You're the one person I thought understood. I don't wanna have a fight now with you, of all people."

"I don't want to fight with you either, but you're on sale every time you offer your body to a girl in exchange for anything!" Suzanne ranted.

"I'm not 'offering my body'! I only kissed her once and I left when she wanted to blow me." Lennon said.

"What?! This is getting worse!" Suzanne sighed.

"Please, I share everything with you. I'm just being honest to you. You're the only woman I feel completely, one hundred percent comfortable with, and it hurts so bad when you totally ghost me! Darlin', my ass is on the line for you, I've suffered for you. I hurt for you and you don't even talk to me. I thought we had something special?" Lennon said.

"Wonda, we need to talk when we meet up in Amsterdam." Suzanne said.

"So, we're still meeting up?" Lennon asked hopefully.


"Please, please, Suzanne. Don't cut me out." Lennon said.

"Wonda, you're starting to lose control. I think you need to stay away from poisonous people. You need to stay out there where you're safe." Suzanne said.

"I'm not staying here! Please, my queen, do you want me to beg you?" Lennon said.

"No. I'm just..." she sighed deeply into the phone. "You drive me crazy sometimes!" Suzanne said.

"Well, soon I'll be home to do it in person." Lennon said.

"Okay, I'll chat with you later. Enjoy your time with Chéri out there." she said before she hung up.

"What do you mean..? Suzanne? Suzanne?" Lennon said looking at his phone to see that the call had ended.

Lennon slumped on the bed and stared at his phone.

There was a repeated knock at the door. Marcel was standing in the foyer on his phone, "Javier!" Marcel shouted.

The doorbell kept going. "Javier!" He shouted again.

Marcel rolled his eyes. "Doesn't anyone answer the fucking door anymore...?" he said before he started muttering to himself in French as he swung the door open with his free hand. He held his Vape and phone in the other hand and leant against the doorframe.

He saw Javier standing outside beside two giggling girls. "Sorry boss. My phone and keys are in here. I got locked outside when one of these two shut the door." He said before he stepped in quickly.

Marcel was leaning against the doorframe and his impatient eyes flicked from one girl to the other. "What do you want?!"

"We're here for interviews!" One girl shouted at Marcel.

For The Love Of Chéri (CHAPTERS 1-112 REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now