Chapter 163 : Rhythm Is A Dancer Finale : Rhythm Is A Dancer!

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Bayani walked up to Lennon, who was sat at the bar, "Lenn..." he said as he rubbed his back softly.

"Huh?" Lennon grunted nonchalantly.

"Do you want to go take in some fresh night air with me? I would love to see the black ocean reflect the full moon, with you." Bayani said.

" soon as I can muster the motivation to get myself up." Lennon said.

"Why? What's wrong?" Bayani asked.

"Chéri basically told me to go fuck myself. That fucker Ecco...who I just want to punch in his cleansed face, and that jerk off Marcel...who I just want to throw off the God damned boat." Lennon said.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" Bayani asked.

"Nah... just, go have fun." Lennon said.

"Show me where the fun is..." Bayani asked softly.

Lennon glanced at Bayani, then reached for his hand.

Spangna skipped up to the bar and put her arms around Lennon's waist. "Ohh Lenn! This is such a fancy party! You shouldn't be sitting here drinking, with a face like a smacked arse!" Spangna said as she hugged him, completely unaware of the events of earlier.

"He's really down." Bayani said, rubbing Lennons back.

"Oh Lenn...whatever you're sad about, I bet Chéri is right at the centre of it." Spangna said.

"Yeah..." Lennon said looking into his glass, "You know...I'm starting to wonder..."

"About?" Spangna asked.

Lennon turned to Spangna, "Why am I even here? I should just..."

"Len! you're here because we love you. You've changed everyone's lives for the better!" Spangna said.

"Mercy, it can no longer be ignored, that the man you love, and I, are on a collision course. He hates me, with a passion. He torments me every time he can!"

"I think you two should just be kept far apart. Think how I feel! I'm stuck in the middle. Between the guy I love, and another guy I love as a brother." Spangna said as she threw her arms around Lennon's neck and hugged him.

"You should really come out and have fun with me!" Bayani said.

Spangna leant forward and kissed Lennon on the cheek. "Personally, I think you should date Bay. Come on! Have some fun with me and Bay tonight!" She said as she pulled on Lennon's arm.

"Can I kiss your cheek?" Bayani asked flatly.

"Go for it..." Lennon said.

Bayani smiled before he leant down and kissed Lennon on the cheek.

"It's hard not to smile with you two about." Lennon said.

Spangna clapped her hands once loudly, a trait she had absorbed from Marcel. "Right!" She said loudly in her happy Mancunian accent. "Come on! Let's down our drinks on the count of three, then leave the fucking bar!"

"Okay!" Bayani said.

Lennon looked into his glass then just nodded.

Spangna held her glass. "One...two...three!" She said before they all downed their drinks.

Bayani started coughing before he spoke, "Shame about the's been classical for ages. I want something I can dance to!"

Lennon turned around and looked at the DJ at his stand, "I think I can fix that darlin'." Lennon said as he grabbed a bottle of beer off the selection shelf on the bar, then took off his jacket and undid all the metal buckles on the front of his tight black top.

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