Chapter 104 : The Catholic Club

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That night, Lennon decided to wait to contact Serena so he could think carefully about how to approach her and exactly what he should ask for. He also didn't want to appeal to Serena in front of Chéri, so it had to wait until tomorrow evening.

Chéri and Monique sat at the table as Lennon walked over wearing thick oven mitts and holding the largest Pyrex lasagne dish that Chéri had ever seen. He placed it on the table by a few dishes of cooked fresh vegetables from the garden.

Chéri poured wine into each of the glasses as Lennon sat down at the table.

Monique turned to Lennon. "Sweetheart, would you like to give thanks?" She asked as she reached for his and Chéri's hands.

Lennon smiled and winked to his mother as he reached for Chéri's hand. "Heavenly Father, please bless this food we have as we gather together before you. We give thanks for thy mercy and forgiveness, and the abundance of your blessings to us all, through the love of your son, our Lord Jesus Christ. We humbly ask that you keep us all, guard our health and resolve, and that we may continue to serve you, and live in thy grace, and preach the glory of God. Amen." He said before he crossed himself.

"That was beautiful Sweetheart."

"Lenny, you pray so beautifully. Do you reckon God really loves us?" Chéri asked.

"Oh yes." Lennon said with conviction. "God loves us with a huge unwavering passion! Enough to be born into this world to live the human experience, and die for every one of us, with no exception. No love is greater than that." He added as he cut the massive lasagne into squares and started to place a piece on each plate.

Monique nodded with her eyes shut. "That's very true Chéri. God's love shines a beautiful light upon each one of us."

"Wow, I wish my faith was as strong as yours, Lenny. I've always known you're very devout, and I think I need that in my life. I've not had a big exposure to religion." Chéri said as he tucked into his food.

"I think you should become a catechumen with Lennon as your sponsor." Monique said.

"What does that mean?" Chéri asked.

Lennon squeezed Chéri's hand. "It means that you're sort of... learning to join Catholicism."

"Wait, is it like... a club? You have to join it?" Chéri asked.

Lennon laughed. "No, you get a catholic sponsor, then join some meetings where you learn some of the basic tenants of the creed, then get baptized, then... you're in."

"Do I get a certificate?"

Monique and Lennon both laughed. "Actually, yes. You'll have a baptism ceremony, and certificate." Lennon said.

"Chéri, can you ask your mother if she had you baptized? If she is Spanish then I can't imagine she wouldn't have had you done." Monique asked.

Chéri got his phone out to text his mother. "Can't you baptize me, as you're already in?"

"No. An unordained person can only baptize someone in emergency circumstances, in the face of death. I mean, if someone was about to die, then a catholic can perform an emergency baptism that is valid and recognized." Lennon said before he continued eating.

"Oh, I see. Yeah, at that point I wouldn't even be able to enjoy it." Chéri said as his phone buzzed. "Oh, it's mum. She says that's a dumb question and that I'm Baptised and confirmed. Aaaand she says, please don't join another cult. So I guess I'm in already!"

Monique leant over and hugged Chéri. "That's great! Why don't you both do a bible study together? Lennon can take you through the foundations of our faith."

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