Chapter 70 : 'ol Bulletproof Marcel Leaves For Prague

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The whole conversation stopped as Marcel walked into the Foyer with only a black PVC rucksack slung over his shoulder. He was wearing a black medium length padded PVC coat, matching lack gloves and waistcoat, a flowing black pinstripe shirt and vinyl trousers with three studded belts resting on his hips.

"Good morning, boss!" Javier said with a warm smile.

"Fuck you." Marcel responded as he adjusted his gloves.

"Are you ready to go, boss?" Javier asked.

"Yes, and wipe that asinine grin off your face. You are in charge, guided by Kenzo. Learn from him." Marcel said as he walked past him.

"Yes! I shall, boss." Javier said.

"Has Chéri left, and taken Buck Rogers with him?" Marcel asked.

"Haha, Not yet. They're in the family compound still preparing. I saw Lennon here not long ago."

"I want to know the moment Chéri and that Tranny chaser land in the United States." Marcel said.

"Yes. I will inform you of everything, Marcel." Javier answered.

They walked out to the forecourt and Javier opened the BMW's door for Marcel. As they got in the car and did up their belts, Javier waved to the first line of security to let them out.

"Is that all your taking boss?" Javier asked as he pointed to Marcel's PVC rucksack.

"Keep your eyes on the road. I travel light." Marcel responded.

"Okay, okay. Sooo... whatcha gonna do in the Czech Republic? Are you gonna sightsee or just... go straight to the arsenal of weapons to plan an orgy of violence and wholesale murder?" Javier asked with a slight smile.

Marcel just turned to him and stared at him a moment. "Javier, was that a painful attempt at humour? Or have you developed dementia?" Marcel asked in an irritated Parisian drawl.

"Ohh Haha, boss! You're so funny." Javier said as he enjoyed the little social interaction and the friendly look he thought he read from Marcel's face.

Marcel just shook his head in disbelief.

After a short drive, Javier stopped outside the airport.

"Have a nice...-" Javier started to speak but was cut off by Marcel getting out and slamming the door shut behind him. "-... Trip." Javier finished to himself.

Javier quickly got out of the car, "Hey, boss! At least you haven't told me to fuck off the whole way out here." Javier said as he held his hand out to shake Marcel's.

Marcel stopped, and then turned back around to face Javier, "Fuck off." Marcel said, ignoring his hand as he threw the small backpack over his shoulder and turned back away to walk off. Javier had the distinct impression that he had actually made Marcel smile.

"Hey, boss...?" Javier said hesitantly.

Marcel stopped again, then walked back to him. "What now...?"

"Listen, if you are going to meet underworld contacts alone... you know, be careful." Javier said.

"I am always careful! Now, remember! I want a copy of Lennon's proposals. Obtain one, photograph it and send to me as soon as you can. I want to prepare a counter as he is planning a takeover. However, he will be gone for two weeks. I have that time to counter him." Marcel said.

Javier tried not to look uncomfortable at the demand, and for effectively attempting the sabotage of Lennon. But he felt that maybe this was a chance to show his loyalty. "If I lay my hands upon them, then you will have them too, Marcel."

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