Chapter 148 : Where The FUCK Is Chéri?!

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Lennon walked up to the door and hit his card key against the pad, it bleeped and opened. He did it again on the other side and entered the main reception.

As soon as he walked in there was a raucous din of screams and shrieks of excitement from all the gathered assets, who had been watching from the window.

Lennon looked around for Chéri, but he wasn't there. He was quickly distracted by the beutiful sight of Bayani, who stepped out from the crowd, with an almost trance-like expression on his porcelain, feminine face.

"Lennon..." Bayani said softly.

"Bay! Come here you little doll!" Lennon said warmly.

Bayani ran up and fell into Lennon's arms, all overcome by emotion, and silent tears.

"Aww c'mon, what's this?! Tears?! You wait til you see what I gotta show you!" Lennon said quietly into Bayani's ear, before tightening his embrace on the small ladyboy.

There was no answer from Bayani, who had his face buried in Lennon's chest.

The other assets who were still screeching and jumping around wanted to queue up for their own hug, but Lennon looked around and asked out loud, "Where's my Chéri?!"

The noise quieted down, and Lennon became aware of the awkward downcast stares of his entire LGBT team.

"Well...? Anyone?" Lennon asked as his expression changed as it dawned on him that Chéri was obviously absent on purpose.

The doors opened and Spangna walked in.

"Lenn!" She cried out as she ran to him and jumped into his arms, "Oh my God, you've got black hair! And a facial tattoo under your eye!?"

Lennon twirled her around and hugged her tightly, "Mercy, I got something I wanna show you! You too Bay!"

Lennon pulled off his coat, then pulled off his white vest. He turned around to show the large 'Mercy 'Spangna'', 'Bayani' and 'Suzanne' he had tattoo'd on his back.

Spangna and Bayani were blown away by just the gesture. Bayani took it as a gesture of affection as he looked up at Lennon, completely spellbound.

Lennon then turned to Spangna, "Honey, where's Chéri?"

Spangna held Lennon's hand, "Lenn... Chéri's been a right twat since you've been away, and he keeps saying he won't talk to you or return your calls."

"Ohh yeah?! Well! He'll fuckin' talk to me!" Lennon said as he took his coat off, "Where is he?"

Spangna shrugged, "I'm not sure. I haven't seen him all morning."

"Well, if I know anything he's probably in the canteen, gossiping!" Lennon said as he walked away and through the doors into the next area as he made his way towards the canteen.

Mateo and juan were standing in the hall.

"Welcome back, Lennon." They both said.

"Yeah, thanks." Lennon said briefly as he thrust his bag into their hands and kicked open the double doors to the canteen, making them smash against the wall, "CHÉRRRI!" he called out as he scanned the room.

Molly got off her seat and walked up to Lennon, "Chéri is probably in the family compound.." she said.

Lennon turned to leave, when she grabbed his arm, "Chéri..." she said hesitantly, "Brought another man home the other night."

Lennon turned back to her with wide eyes, "What the fuck do you mean?!"

"Just that. He brought a large Spanish man home from a gay club." Molly said.

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